The SCIROCCO Infrasound Vibroacoustic Broadcasting Interface. Part 2.
Introduction: This article is a continuation of the SCIROCCO Infrasound Vibroacoustic Broadcasting Interface. Part 1.
- 4.4. Birth of the pyramids.
- 4.5. Destruction of the pyramids.
- 5. Infrasound receivers.
- 5.1. Signaling receivers.
- 5.2. Informational receivers.
4.4. Birth of the pyramids.
Many animals can hear infrasound; whales and elephants are talking on it.
Most of animals actively use infrasound terrain map.
Migratory birds fly home focusing only on this map.
They are able to find their homeland even with closed eyes.
Each area has its own infrasound “signature” or “map”, which is formed by natural features: mountains, forests, rivers and waterfalls.
Big mountain always vibrates under pressure of a stream of wind at its resonance frequency and can be heard for hundreds, and many mountains for thousands of kilometers.
Animals remember this melody of areas, it is nearly constant.
Many animals feel natural disasters, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and landslides.
These phenomena create powerful infrasound waves which overtake disaster and spread across the planet.
Such bright changes of infrasound terrain maps frighten animals, so they are trying to escape from the approaching infrasound source.
Perhaps ancient man had a more developed sense of smell and hearing; possibly he also heard and felt infrasonic waves and fields.
Large solitary mountains were an excellent reference point in any terrain; people could distinguish them by ear.
Some pyramidal mountains sing in different voices, depending on the wind strength and other factors.
At some point people began to think about how you can use songs of mountains to alert their fellow tribesmen.
Figure 52. Amplitude-frequency characteristics (AFC) of the mountains of different shapes.
As can be seen from the figure, the rectangular mountains have a single resonant frequency and it is impossible to change it (only if you change the size of the mountain).
Stepped mountains have several well-marked resonances, and this mountain can sing on one of several fixed frequencies.
Pyramidal mountains have no fixed resonance and can sing on any frequency of excitation band.
To make stepped pyramid or mountain singing on the desired frequency, you need to “push” it a little bit.
It's enough to build a resonant chamber inside the mountain and place inside a rectangular or rod resonator.
Having a high quality factor, this resonator excited firstly by the wind, will cause singing of the mountain on the desired frequency.
Figure 53. Aerial resonant chamber with rectangular stone resonator inside the mountain.
This technology has come to Egypt already in full perfection.
People in Egypt knew exactly how and what to do to create a “singing mountain”.
It is why there are no evolutionary predecessors of the pyramids in Egypt.
Conclusion: Pyramids in Egypt were built because there were no pyramidal mountains!
Motherland of pyramids is Europe and Asia!
At this point I guess the presence of six pyramidal oscillators of natural origin in Europe.
These are:
- Three Bosnian pyramids at Visoko, which have an internal resonant structure.
- Two pyramids in Greece, in the Mycenaean infrasound communication centre, these are pyramids Zara and Profitis Elias, at the foot of which the Mycenaean acropolis is located.
- Mountain on the North Caucasus named “Old Town”, investigated by “Kosmopoisk” association in 2011.
Below is a drawing of a resonant chamber, published by Vadim Chernobrov, researcher and coordinator of “Kosmopoisk” association (
Figure 53.1. Russia, North Caucasus, Old Town. Resonant chamber in 3 projections. Dimensions in meters.
People in Egypt knew exactly how and what to do to create a “singing mountain”.
It is why there are no evolutionary predecessors of the pyramids in Egypt.
Conclusion: Pyramids in Egypt were built because there were no pyramidal mountains!
Motherland of pyramids is Europe and Asia!
At this point I guess the presence of six pyramidal oscillators of natural origin in Europe.
These are:
- Three Bosnian pyramids at Visoko, which have an internal resonant structure.
- Two pyramids in Greece, in the Mycenaean infrasound communication centre, these are pyramids Zara and Profitis Elias, at the foot of which the Mycenaean acropolis is located.
- Mountain on the North Caucasus named “Old Town”, investigated by “Kosmopoisk” association in 2011.
Below is a drawing of a resonant chamber, published by Vadim Chernobrov, researcher and coordinator of “Kosmopoisk” association (
Figure 53.1. Russia, North Caucasus, Old Town. Resonant chamber in 3 projections. Dimensions in meters.
Figure 53.2. Photograph of a vertical tunnel to the resonant chamber. Russia, North Caucasus, Old Town.
Visoko pyramids.
In 1994, near the town of Visoko (22 km from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina), the operations were conducted between Serbs and Bosnian Muslims.
During the artillery engagements residents of the town heard a strange buzz and "vibration" that came from the Visocica Hill, as if there was emptiness inside it.
In the summer of 2005 to Visoko arrived Semir Osmanagich (a Bosnian American archaeologist who has spent the last 15 years studying the pyramids of Latin America), who has discovered the three great pyramids of Europe.
These pyramids are uniquely pyramidal infrasound oscillators.
Read also: Bosnian pyramid of the Sun.
Figure 53.3. Three European pyramids in Visoco, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Mycenaean pyramid.
Unfortunately, pyramids in Greece, which located near the ancient city of Mycenae are not yet explored.
But the infrastructure around these “mountains” unambiguously indicates the presence of controlled resonant chambers inside.
Figure 54. Mycenaean pyramid Zara, view from the acropolis.
Mycenaean communication center has all the elements of the infrasound energy complex, with the exception of hydroacoustic antenna.
There is a pyramidal mountain Zara with dimensions of 500 by 500 by 500 meters located in a place where the pyramid should be.
There more than hundred of vertical resonant stone mine shafts are located around the mountain.
Control unit of complex has all the necessary elements.
Here are nine underground dome receivers (three of them largest in the world) are located here.
We can presume that Mycenaean infrasound communication center was an ancestor of broadcasting infrasound network of the pyramids era.
Figure 54.1. Elements of Mycenaean infrasound communication center control system.
I think that there are a lot of pyramidal controlled mountains across Europe, around the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
Considerable number of them shall be found in the Crimea (Ukraine); there are a huge number of large underground dome receivers such as the Royal Kurgan (burial mound), which is a sign of active usage of infrasound technologies.
In fact, there is a natural pyramid in Egypt.
This is the largest pyramid in Egypt called El Qurna.
Pyramid is located in Luxor and is part of the largest complex with hydroacoustic antenna.
This is the first and most powerful pyramidal infrasound oscillator built in Egypt.
All pharaohs were buried just close to the pyramid (where their mummies were found.)
Figure 54.2. El Qurna Mountain is the first and most powerful pyramidal infrasound oscillator of Egypt.
The pyramidal mountain was artificially processed to shape of the stepped pyramid.
There is necessary technological infrasound wave structure built inside the mountain.
There all the necessary control units of infrasound energy complex are built near the pyramid.
Also here we see infrasound vibrators, which were lowered into the waters of the Nile.
4.5. Destruction of the pyramids.
Hypothesis of infrasound broadcasting of pyramids era will not be completed without an answer to the question: "Why pyramids no longer broadcast?"
The answer to this question rests on the more important hypothesis: "On the existence and destruction of pre-civilization."
There are many hypotheses and versions on this topic.
I hold one of the most ancient hypotheses: "The hypothesis of the Great Flood."
Next I will give my own version of the Great Flood hypothesis and the death of the previous civilization.
I think it is logically combines the facts known to me on the basis of physical knowledge of modern science.
The answer to this question rests on the more important hypothesis: "On the existence and destruction of pre-civilization."
There are many hypotheses and versions on this topic.
I hold one of the most ancient hypotheses: "The hypothesis of the Great Flood."
Next I will give my own version of the Great Flood hypothesis and the death of the previous civilization.
I think it is logically combines the facts known to me on the basis of physical knowledge of modern science.
In the 1970s soviet scientists from Vostok Research Station has started ice core drilling in Antarctica in order to investigate changes of climate on Earth during hundreds of thousands years before now. Later their researches were confirmed by The European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA.)
Ice core consists of annual rings in which trapped air bubbles from the
atmosphere over Antarctica in a given year.
Drilled in 3750 meters, the researchers counted 425,000 of annual rings in cores.
This is a climate archive of planet Earth.
The average temperature on Earth for every year was determined by analysis of 18O isotope of oxygen content.
Also there were measured composition of the atmosphere, concentration of dust, microbiology and many other parameters.
This chart is the result of their work.
Figure 55. Graph of changes in temperature, carbon dioxide and dust during last 400,000 years (now we are at 0 point.)
Drilled in 3750 meters, the researchers counted 425,000 of annual rings in cores.
This is a climate archive of planet Earth.
The average temperature on Earth for every year was determined by analysis of 18O isotope of oxygen content.
Also there were measured composition of the atmosphere, concentration of dust, microbiology and many other parameters.
This chart is the result of their work.
Figure 55. Graph of changes in temperature, carbon dioxide and dust during last 400,000 years (now we are at 0 point.)
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Comparison of Vostok and EPICA ice core drilling results. |
Today it is the most reliable graph of temperature changes of the Earth for such a long period.
It’s easy to check it out, for the Earth's climate is observed since the 19th century.
It completely refutes the hypothesis of global warming and prepares us to the Ice Age.
Now we live in a period of local warming of global recession temperatures. In fact, now might be a very beginning of the next Ice Age.
During next 5-10 thousand years temperature will drop by 8-9° C.
Also we can find on this graph all of the catastrophes of the Earth, due their strong influence on the atmosphere.
Here for example is a graph of all major volcanic eruptions in the last 900 years, according to the Vostok station.
Figure 56. Dating of eruptions of big volcanoes, determined by Vostok station ice core drilling.
Here we see even unknown to science volcanoes eruptions.
Now let’s draw attention to the ecocatastrophe known to us as The Great Flood.
On the Graph from Figure 55 we can see that 12,000-13,000 years ago temperature on Earth increased dramatically.
The temperature on Earth at that time was by 8° C lower than it is now.
Global sea level was also lower by 100-200 meters; it was the peak of the Ice Age.
Ice of many kilometers thickness pressed on the tectonic plates strongly; as a result, there were strong volcanic eruptions.
The dustiness of the atmosphere during this period was the highest.
Here is a periodical regularity visible, which is leading to a sharp short-term warming.
Earth as if accumulate heat during 100 thousand years under the ice coat and then throws it away, creating a warm period of 15-25 thousand years.
Such a rapid heating of land and ocean, can only be explained by disclosure of continental tectonic faults on the ocean floor.
Look on Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean using Google Earth.
Figure 57. Crack (continental tectonic fault) in the Atlantic Ocean.
There is the greatest fault of tectonic plates in middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Do you think is the fault ever opened?
Figure 58. Hardened lava flows over thousands of kilometers length.
What will happen if the fault opened for the length of over thousands of kilometers in the middle of the ocean?
Right, the ocean warms, due to the flow of hot magma.
More bottom of the ocean will sink more of the magma will come out of the cracks, forced by the lowering bottom.
Also there will be continuous heavy rains, storms colossal forces throughout the world, due to the evaporation of water.
Rains will wash away the dust from the atmosphere, as we observe it in the graph, after the thaw, the dust concentration is zero.
So what?
Water will wash away not only towns, people, animals and plants, but also all agricultural soil in many places.
Was it in reality?
Here's what the greatest primary sources of our civilization write about this.
11 In the six-hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened.
12 The rain fell on the earth for forty days and forty nights.
19 The waters swelled so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered;
20 The waters swelled above the mountains, covering them fifteen cubits deep.
21 And all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, domestic animals, wild animals, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and all human beings;
22 Everything on dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life died.
23 He blotted out every living thing that was on the face of the ground, human beings and animals and creeping things and birds of the air; they were blotted out from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those that were with him in the ark.
24 And the waters swelled on the earth for one hundred and fifty days.
And what the Greeks said 2,500 years ago:
CRITIAS by Plato, about Greece:
Many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years, for that is the number of years which have elapsed since the time of which I am speaking; and during all this time and through so many changes, there has never been any considerable accumulation of the soil coming down from the mountains, as in other places, but the earth has fallen away all round and sunk out of sight. The consequence is, that in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of the wasted body, as they may be called, as in the case of small islands, all the richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left.
CRITIAS by Plato, about Atlantis:
Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the pillars of Heracles and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to describe. Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens was reported to have been the leader and to have fought out the war; the combatants on the other side were commanded by the kings of Atlantis, which, as I was saying, was an island greater in extent than Libya and Asia, and when afterwards sunk by an earthquake, became an impassable barrier of mud to voyagers sailing from hence to any part of the ocean.
Information of the Flood Myth we can find in heritage of almost every culture.
In the Sumerian King List, it relies on the flood motif to divide its history into preflood and postflood periods.
In Hindu mythology, texts such as the Satapatha Brahmana mention the puranic story of a great flood, wherein the Matsya Avatar of Vishnu warns the first man, Manu, of the impending flood, and also advises him to build a giant boat.
And so on…
From primary sources we know that rain (flood) lasted 40 days.
During this time, the planet has poured with a tremendous amount of water that has gone through six months (150 days).
It was accompanied with horrible, tremendous amount of killed people, animals, and plants.
Topsoil was washed away; there was a lot of mud (silt) in the sea, so that navigation was not possible.
Let’s return to the Graph in Figure 55.
13,000 years ago temperature on Earth was lower on 8° C.
North Africa was the most comfortable place to stay with temperature of 22-25° C.
Northwardly from Greece life was much more complicated, there virtually was no summer.
Glaciations of the North Pole (Glacier) those times reached the latitude of the city of Kyiv (Ukraine), almost to the Black Sea.
Mediterranean civilization at those times reached the greatest development, according to the remaining antediluvian objects.
But the flood destroyed this civilization and washed away all its achievements to the seas and oceans.
There only some rocky foundations and strong megalithic structures remained.
Pyramids remained standing, they too strong and stand on solid rock; deluge and earthquakes haven’t destroyed them.
Atlantis went down to the ocean floor at 2000-4000 m, due to the release of magma and lowering the bottom of the ocean.
Atlantic continental fault passed through this island.
Plato wrote that there were hot water springs on the island.
Figure 59. Bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, with ridge of solidified magma. Link to the image with big resolution.
Thickness of the layer of magma which came out into the ocean measured in several kilometers; length and width in thousands of kilometers.
As a result, the ocean floor, due to release of magma between the fault and the coast of Africa, lowered on 1000-4000 m.
There are only tops of the northern mountains (Azores) remained from Atlantis.
Plato wrote that Atlantis Island was protected from the north winds by high mountains, located in the north of the island.
By the way, in this image can be seen the coast of Europe before the flood, when the level of the ocean has long been a 100-200 m lower than today.
For thousands of years water has created high and well visible shore.
As they say water wears away the stone.
For example, the island of Britain was part of Europe.
Blossoming North Africa has become a scorching desert, the soil was washed away, and the Sahara desert was formed.
Because of melting of large amounts of ice ocean levels rose and the Mediterranean coast of North Africa was far to the south.
Figure 60. View on Mediterranean coast existed just after the Flood (Sahara, Africa).
As a result, the ocean floor, due to release of magma between the fault and the coast of Africa, lowered on 1000-4000 m.
There are only tops of the northern mountains (Azores) remained from Atlantis.
Plato wrote that Atlantis Island was protected from the north winds by high mountains, located in the north of the island.
By the way, in this image can be seen the coast of Europe before the flood, when the level of the ocean has long been a 100-200 m lower than today.
For thousands of years water has created high and well visible shore.
As they say water wears away the stone.
For example, the island of Britain was part of Europe.
Blossoming North Africa has become a scorching desert, the soil was washed away, and the Sahara desert was formed.
Because of melting of large amounts of ice ocean levels rose and the Mediterranean coast of North Africa was far to the south.
Figure 60. View on Mediterranean coast existed just after the Flood (Sahara, Africa).
On Figure 60 it is clearly seen that the water moved away gradually, leaving the shores of a new shape.
The first shore was the steepest; it was formed during long time as the ocean cooled down.
The rest of the shores were formed in the result of gradual glaciation of the planet.
Figure 61. View of the first (6-7 thousands of years ago) Mediterranean coast which existed after the Flood (Sahara, Africa).
If you use a program which shows the magnitude of the flooding areas depending on global sea level, for example Flood Map : Water Level Elevation Map and to begin to raise the level of the ocean, until the old shore in the Sahara desert coincide with the water level, the total coincidence is observed at 150 meters.
That is, after 150 days from the beginning of the Great Flood, when the water is gone (according to the Old Testament), water level was of at 150 meters higher than today.
Figure 62. View of the coast of North Africa if we increase of global sea level at 150 meters.
As seen in the figure above, after the flood the island of the size of Italy was formed in Mediterranean Sea.
If you consider that before the flood (see above), the sea level was 100-200 m lower than it is now, the global sea level rose after the Flood at 250-350 meters.
If global sea level after the Flood increased on the 350 m, what it was during the Flood until the rains calmed down? It is difficult to even imagine it!
During 12,000 years after the flood global sea level dropped to 150 meters, and it will continue lowering further until it reaches level before the Great Flood.
On the ancient Mediterranean coast, which passes through the entire Sahara, you can find huge petrified trees of that era.
Other trees are no longer growing, since after the flood was very hot and all soil was washed away.
This suggests that North Africa used to be green, blooming country.
Figure 63. Petrified trees on the ancient coast, witnesses of the Great Flood (30°26'25.85"N, 28°33'56.85"E; Sahara, Africa).
At the beginning of the warm period after the Flood (first 2-5 thousand years), while the ocean cooled down, there were no winter.
This explains the presence of fossilized trees with no annual rings in the Nordic countries.
Coast of Antarctica during this period (6-7 thousand years ago) was free from ice, Greenland was blossoming green country.
This is the only explanation for the Piri Reis map (1513), which depicts the coast of South America and part of Antarctica without ice.
Map belonged to the Turkish admiral Piri Reis (1513) and has been exhibited in Topkapi museums (Turkey) since 1929.
Until the late 20th century, scientists haven’t known the outlines of the coast of Antarctica in this place; a map like this was made only by scanning through the ice by satellites.
Figure 64. Fragment of the Piri Reis map (1513).
We do not even have official scientific hypotheses, which could explain how this information could appear on the Piri Reis map.
It turns out that 6-7 thousand years ago people were floating to the shores of Antarctica and they made these maps.
Most pyramids of the Nile Valley were covered by the sea, as the valley became a sea gulf.
Great pyramids of Khufu and Khafre was in the sea at a depth of 80-90 meters, then they probably lost facing (membranes).
It seems that the top Khafre's pyramid only remained plastered because it was raised above water.
It took many centuries, until the ice removed excess of water.
There salt stains are still observed between the blocks of the pyramids, which are a sure sign of their existence before the Great Flood.
This also explains water erosion of the Sphinx.
Mediterranean and Atlantic civilizations were destroyed, only few families managed to survive.
May be it was Noah and his family in his ark. On Mount Olympus in Greece, possibly survived Zeus and his family; we can only guess it...
But someone told Greeks, Egyptians and Jews about these events which means that there were survivors.
It is absolutely clear that in the Bronze and Iron Ages were impossible to build such structures.
None of the ancient state of our era had relevant technologies, tools, knowledge, human resources and money to build them.
Obviously, the antediluvian structures were used somehow by humans of Bronze and subsequent centuries.
Most often these structures were used as sanctuaries, very rarely some burials were found in them.
1. Main archaeological excavations should be conducted under the muddy bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
2. Main cities of prehistory civilization are located at 100-200 meters below the present sea level.
This "Flood version" unites and explains the following facts:
1. Explains periodic climate warming every 140-150 thousands of years.
2. Confirms "The Great Flood" - which flushed away agricultural soil and destroyed the achievements of pre-history human civilization.
3. Confirms description of the Flood in the Old Testament and other sources.
4. Confirms Plato writings of the destruction of Atlantis, marine pollution, soil erosion 11,500-12,000 years ago.
5. Explains the position of the ancient Mediterranean coast in the Sahara Desert.
6. Explains salt stains in the pyramids.
7. Explains water erosion of the Sphinx.
8. Explains the presence of plaster at the top of the pyramid of Khafre.
9. Explains riddle of the Piri Reis map.
10. Explains decrease of dust quantity in the atmosphere after warming.
11. Explains the absence of annual rings in fossil trees in the Nordic countries.
12. Explains name of Greenland (Green Country).
5. Infrasound receivers.
There are different structures and devices used to receive infrasound energy, which we call infrasound receivers.
There are a lot of them and they are very different, which proves the wide use of infrasound technology in the era of the pyramids.
Today we know of at least 100,000 infrasonic stationary receivers worldwide.
Many of them are preserved in working condition or can be repaired.
Next I will describe the main types of infrasound receivers and their classification.
Typical infrasound receiver comprises:
- Antenna (apparatus for efficient transfer of energy at a given frequency from one physical medium to another.)
- Matching device (matches transfer rate of energy potential between the antenna and the amplifier.)
- Resonant amplifier (resonator which amplifies infrasound signal of a predetermined frequency.)
- Secondary resonator (converter of infrasound waves into the sound waves.)
There are quite a lot of infrasound receiver’s types and they can be different.
Classification of infrasound receivers:
Figure 65. Classification of infrasound receivers.
5.1. Signaling receivers.
5.1.1. Pendulum and rod receivers.
Such receivers can be easily adjusted to the desired frequency by changing the length of the pendulum.
They showed the direction to the source of infrasound signal and signaled of beginning of transmission.
Principle of receivers operating is based on resonance of a pendulum which tuned multiple to the frequency of infrasound signal.
Figure 66. Principle of operating of pendulum infrasound receiver.
Incoming infrasound wave makes pendulum oscillate forcing a ratchet mechanism to drop balls.
Figure 67. Principle of operating of rod infrasound receiver.
In the rod receiver incoming infrasound wave causes vibration of central rod; if self-resonant frequency of the rod coincides with frequency of infrasound signal, then the rod is vibrating so strongly that it hits the pusher which dropped a ball into the cup.
Figure 68. Photographs of the signaling receiver.
Figure 68. Photographs of the signaling receiver.
Figure 69. Photograph of big signaling
Some modern scholars believe these
receivers are ancient seismographs, with the help of which the ancient people
predicted earthquakes. This is pretty pointless, because to predict an
earthquake by seismograph is impossible.
Of course, such receivers might be used for
registration of earthquakes and direction to the earthquake epicentrum (as ancient
seismoscope). But it doesn’t contradict a fact that Zhang Heng receiver might
have had a predecessor which could be used for registration of longitudinal infrasound
Also such receivers might be used for
finding places for construction big infrasound receivers.
5.1.2. Hand vibratory receivers.
Such receivers were intended for monitoring
of the presence of infrasound energy in the room.
Since the infrasound can’t be heard, it
showed the presence of powerful infrasound signal by vibration of the resonator
of the receiver.
Figure 69.1. Symbols of superpower - Ankh and Globus cruciger.
Human sense of touch is capable (unlike hearing) to register very low-frequency oscillations.
This effect is used in hand-held signaling vibratory infrasound receivers.
Form of vibratory receivers can be varied.
With a good signal level it is possible to use a simple rod or a ring of the desired size.
It is important that the receiver has to be tuned in a resonance divisible to infrasound signal.
Figure 69.2. Different forms of vibratory infrasound receivers.
It is possible with these receivers to estimate the strength of the signal of given frequency, but not the direction to the source of signal.
Receiver’s antenna often had trapezoidal shape, to increase the bandwidth of the receiver.
5.1.3. Secondary resonators.
Secondary resonators are different volumetric and rod resonators wavelength-tuned divisible to the infrasound wavelength.
They are designed to convert infrasound signal into signal of divisible frequencies.
These include primarily sarcophagi - composite resonators consisting of a resonant box and a resonant cover.
Sarcophagi widely used in complexes of infrasound structures.
Figure 69.3. Sarcophagus design.
To calculate resonance of the cover is quite a complicated task.
It functions as a membrane which has a convex, often triangular shape.
Its self-resonance frequency is also affected by the counterpoise mounted on the corners of the cover.
They reinforce the pressing force of the cover and increase the elasticity of the cover.
Thus the cover runs on a transverse sound wave as a membrane.
But it is easy to calculate the resonance of the resonant box.
This is a half-wave air resonator working on longitudinal sound wave.
Therefore, the frequency of the resonator is calculated by the distance between the bottom of the box and the ceiling of the cover.
This distance is equal to half the wavelength of sound in air.
Simpler secondary resonators appear in the form of vessels, Helmholtz-type resonators, and rod resonators.
With them usually massively (sometimes up to 30,000 units) filled chambers in which needed to increase level of the signal.
Figure 59.4. Different shapes of simple secondary resonators.
5.2. Informational receivers.
Informational infrasound receivers are designed to receive energy transmitted by the infrasound interface.
They work on the principle of resonators, which allow amplifying of the signal received by the antenna.
Infrasound signal is converted into a predetermined audible range by the secondary resonators.
Type of used antennas separates them into two large groups:
- Volumetric resonators with monolithic rock antennas:
As the antenna is usually used natural rock monolith, located in a certain way regarding to the infrasound transmitter.
In this monolith should be made a volumetric resonator, by which signal is received from the vibration of the monolith.
- Volumetric resonators with tuning-fork antennas:
The second type of antenna is the tuning-fork antenna, which can be made of stone blocks or be carved in the rock (stone).
The antenna is similar to musical tuning forks, what is represented by two parallel asymmetric dipoles.
If the antennas are made of stone blocks, there is no need in the rock monolith.
Such a receiver can be constructed in any terrain.
5.2.1. Volumetric tuning fork infrasound data receivers.
The main distinguishing feature of these receivers is the presence of man-made antenna and a dome. Domed volumetric tuning-fork infrasound receivers.
These are large and complex receivers of the pyramids era.
They require the construction of a large underground dome.
They were built in the capitals and rich colonies.
Receivers have their own stone antenna (architectural "dromos"), so they do not need the rock monolith below their base.
They can be built anywhere.
Figure 70. Scheme of typical underground domed volumetric tuning-fork infrasound receiver.
La - wavelength in the air;
Lg - wavelength in the ground;
N - integer.
How the receiver operates:
Infrasound wave is received by the antenna via the ground.
Matching device aligns match impedances of the antenna and the amplifier.
Infrasound energy gets into the resonance amplifier (dome) which enhances (focuses) infrasound wave.
Secondary resonator installed in the focus of the amplifier, and converts infrasound into a sound wave of specified range.
For fine adjustment of the amplifier to a given frequency the cavity of variable volume (adjusting well) is usually used.
Perhaps you have noticed that infrasound receiver is very similar to musical tuning fork, it is essentially big tuning fork.
Here are more details about the parts of infrasound receiver in terms of Radio Engineering:
Antennas are represented by two asymmetrical dipoles.
The length of antennas is a multiple by 1/8 wavelength in the ground.
Since the speed of sound in the ground lies within 1,500-6,000 m/s, the length of the antenna is calculated from the ground parameters in the locality.
The average value of the speed of sound in the ground may be taken as 3,528 m/s.
Therefore, a typical value for the length of the antenna for 12.25 Hz is equal = 3,528/12.25/8 = 36 meters.
Matching device.
In order to prevent reflection of received by the antenna energy back to the ground, and ensure its transmission fully into the amplifier, there impedances of the antenna and the amplifier must be matched.
These devices may be different, the most simple to do it as a pressed-in slot (corridor) which limits space for distribution of wave energy between devices.
Resonant amplifier.
It is a passive amplifier, as there is no energy flow to power it.
The principle of amplification of the signal amplitude is based on the possibility of focusing sound waves.
So the amplifier, in fact, is the focusing lens for the sound.
Therefore amplifiers have a hemispherical shape (dome).
The energy collected from the entire surface of the dome is focused at a predetermined point, thereby in focus the signal amplitude increases considerably.
Secondary resonator.
It is impossible for human to hear signal of 9.2 - 16.35 Hz frequency.
Therefore, low infrasound frequencies must be converted by the secondary resonator in a convenient frequency band.
Secondary resonator is mounted in focus of the primary infrasound resonator (dome).
Self-resonant frequency of the secondary resonator must be a multiple to frequency of infrasound signal.
The secondary resonator must be sufficiently broadband or there should be more than one: three / seven secondary resonators (one for each frequency).
Here is a row of nominal sizes of secondary resonators and their frequencies.
In order to prevent reflection of received by the antenna energy back to the ground, and ensure its transmission fully into the amplifier, there impedances of the antenna and the amplifier must be matched.
These devices may be different, the most simple to do it as a pressed-in slot (corridor) which limits space for distribution of wave energy between devices.
Resonant amplifier.
It is a passive amplifier, as there is no energy flow to power it.
The principle of amplification of the signal amplitude is based on the possibility of focusing sound waves.
So the amplifier, in fact, is the focusing lens for the sound.
Therefore amplifiers have a hemispherical shape (dome).
The energy collected from the entire surface of the dome is focused at a predetermined point, thereby in focus the signal amplitude increases considerably.
Secondary resonator.
It is impossible for human to hear signal of 9.2 - 16.35 Hz frequency.
Therefore, low infrasound frequencies must be converted by the secondary resonator in a convenient frequency band.
Secondary resonator is mounted in focus of the primary infrasound resonator (dome).
Self-resonant frequency of the secondary resonator must be a multiple to frequency of infrasound signal.
The secondary resonator must be sufficiently broadband or there should be more than one: three / seven secondary resonators (one for each frequency).
Here is a row of nominal sizes of secondary resonators and their frequencies.
Parameter | Primary resonator | Secondary resonator, type 1 |
Secondary resonator, type 2 |
Secondary resonator, type 3 |
Secondary resonator, type 4 |
Secondary resonator, type 5 |
Secondary resonator, type 6 |
Frequency 1, Hz
(Wavelength, m) |
(37.28) |
(18.6) |
(9.3) |
(4.6) |
(2.33) |
(1.17) |
(0.58) |
Frequency 2, Hz
(Wavelength, m) |
(33.30) |
(16.6) |
(8.3) |
(4.2) |
(2.08) |
(1.04) |
(0.52) |
Frequency 3, Hz
(Wavelength, m) |
(31.47) |
(15.7) |
(7.9) |
(3.9) |
(1.97) |
(0.98) |
(0.49) |
Frequency 4, Hz
(Wavelength, m) |
(28.00) |
(14.00) |
(7.00) |
(3.50) |
(1.75) |
(0.88) |
(0.44) |
Frequency 5, Hz
(Wavelength, m) |
(24.95) |
(12.5) |
(6.2) |
(3.1) |
(1.56) |
(0.78) |
(0.39) |
Frequency 6, Hz
(Wavelength, m) |
(22.27) |
(11.1) |
(5.6) |
(2.8) |
(1.39) |
(0.70) |
(0.35) |
Frequency 7, Hz
(Wavelength, m) |
(20.98) |
(10.49) |
(5.2) |
(2.6) |
(1.31) |
(0.66) |
(0.66) |
Dimensions of half-wave resonator, m | 10.49- 14- 18.6 |
5.2- 7- 9.3 |
2.6- 3.5- 4.6 |
1.31- 1.75- 2.33 |
0.66- 0.88- 1.17 |
0.33- 0.44- 0.58 |
0.29- 0.22- 0.33 |
The larger the resonators, the more effective it converts and amplifies the signal.
Secondary resonators above type 6 are not used.
Cavity for tuning of amplifier resonance.
After the construction of the dome, it is necessary to adjust the volume of the dome in order to fine tune the resonant frequency of the amplifier to the received wave.
This is done by using of special cavity - cameras with wells (niches), the volume of which can be changed.
Reception of modulated signals.
Since the frequency of the carrier signal is very low, the modulation depth appears more than 33% (for the pyramid of Khufu 9.2-16.35 Hz).
That is, the frequency deviates from the carrier signal by 33%.
For receiving of modulated waves antenna must be more broadband designed.
For this purpose, the vibrators of antenna have to be brought together stepwise without using of keystones, because the antenna cannot be closed.
As a result, we will have a triangular profile without keystones, formed over the antenna, which is quite unusual for architecture.
Figure 71. Scheme of profile of the antenna for modulated signals.
Each subsequent layer vibrators is made shorter than lower.
As a result, the layers of stone antenna resemble a stack of tuning forks stacked one onto another.
Lowest tuning fork in such stack has the lowest frequency of the excitation, the topmost - highest.
Example 1. Infrasound 12.25 Hz receiver. Mycenae, Greece.
Coordinates: 37°43'36.61"N 22°45'12.17"E.
Let’s consider the classic, very old, infrasound receiver of 12.25 Hz frequency, located in Greece, near the ancient ruins of Mycenae, on the Panagitsa Hill.
Archaeologists call it the Treasury of Atreus or Tomb of Agamemnon.
What the amazing habit of archaeologists to name everything they cannot explain to people as tombs!
Figure 72. Scheme of Mycenaean underground domed tuning-fork infrasound 12.25 Hz receiver.
The receiver consists of the main parts:
- Wideband antenna by length of 36 meters, 7 meters between the dipoles that perfectly matches the received wave with frequency 12.25 Hz.
- Matching device - doorway stomion (corridor).
- Membrane (stone plate).
- Broadband tuning-fork ring resonator embedded in the middle of the dome.
- Stone dome of 14 meters in diameter at the base, which corresponds to half the length of the sound wave in the air for frequency 12.25 Hz.
- Resonator cavity with two adjusting wells.
Figure 73. Scheme of subterranean domed volumetric tuning-fork infrasound Mycenaean type receiver.
Dome masonry is made with very high quality.
It has neither decorations nor holes for attaching them (which is typically for technical objects).
Who has been there knows how good acoustics there.
Figure 74. View inside the subterranean dome.
![]() |
Photograph is used with permission of author A.V.Hutorskoy |
Neither tombs nor treasures were found here by anybody (myths were just invented by historians to explain its purpose).
People, who had been in the dome, were able to heard broadcast from the pyramid of Khufu excellent.
In the center of dome used to be a secondary resonator, which effectively transformed the infrasound waves into sound.
Entrance to the receiver has no constipation and axles for door or gate; it’s just a simple stone slot.
There was nothing to steal.
Figure 75. Entrance to the dome of the Treasury of Atreus (slot matching device.)
![]() |
Photograph is used with permission of author A.V.Hutorskoy |
Figure 76. View on the receiver entrance and antennas of 36 meters length made of large stones.
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Photograph is used with permission of author A.V.Hutorskoy |
Here can be seen the triangular window above the entrance to the receiver.
Such windows are usually made in the form of arches with the keystone at a top, but there is no keystone there.
This greatly weakened structural strength of the window.
Note that size of the window is bigger than height of a man.
It is cannot be said that builders did not know about keystones, because they constructed the dome perfectly. So, they built this window without keystone deliberately.
Elongated triangle above the entrance is used to extend the bandwidth of the antenna (broadband tuning-fork).
This suggests that the receiver is designed to receive modulated signal that is a set of 7 tone frequencies.
Figure 77. View on receiver from above.
Such windows are usually made in the form of arches with the keystone at a top, but there is no keystone there.
This greatly weakened structural strength of the window.
Note that size of the window is bigger than height of a man.
It is cannot be said that builders did not know about keystones, because they constructed the dome perfectly. So, they built this window without keystone deliberately.
Elongated triangle above the entrance is used to extend the bandwidth of the antenna (broadband tuning-fork).
This suggests that the receiver is designed to receive modulated signal that is a set of 7 tone frequencies.
Figure 77. View on receiver from above.
This receiver can be called a classic, in general as well as all receivers in ancient Greece; it is perfectly designed for a sound wave of frequency 12.25 Hz.
Particularly impressive is the 14 meter dome, it is ideal for the 28 meter sound wave created by the pyramid of Khufu.
Build such a domes was extremely difficult.
Example 2. Infrasound 12.25 Hz receiver. Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine.
Coordinates: 45°22'26.57"N 36°31'34.38"E
Archaeologists call it the Royal Kurgan or Tsarskiy Kurgan (the tomb of Mithridates).
Figure 78. Scheme of the Royal or Tsarskiy Kurgan profile.
Figure 79. Scheme of section of the Royal Kurgan, view from above.
Receiver features:
- Antennas length of 36 meters.
- Matching device in the form of a stepped gap (there is similar in the Great Pyramid. See figure 29).
- Broadband tuning-fork with a resonant ring embedded in the dome.
- Dome consists of the 12 individual rings.
- Secondary resonator (absent, possibly stolen.)
Figure 80. Entrance to the Royal Kurgan and view on dromos (antennas.)
Broadband tuning-fork is laid directly on the dromos (antenna) without intermediate membrane plate.
Each layer of the tuning-fork could be tuned on required frequency by cutting off projections on “walls”.
On the photo below is clearly shown that some parts of the projections were cut off to adjust the layer of the tuning fork to desired frequency.
Figure 81. View on the tuning-fork and matching device.
Vibrators of tuning-fork were not closed initially.
But unfortunately, after dromos restoration in 1865 there was built additional vault, which was never there before.
So archaeologists sometimes spoil the initial appearance of technical structures with their fantasies.
Figure 82. View inside the Royal Kurgan subterranean dome of stone rings.
Dome design allows resonating at 12 different frequencies.
The diameters of the rings must be a multiple to the length of the received infrasound waves.
Example 3. Infrasound receiver. Mezek, Svilengrad, Bulgaria.
Coordinates: 41°44'5.87"N 26° 6'6.41"E
Archeologists call it Thracian tomb near Mezek.
For not offending archaeologists with lack of faith I took this "real tomb" as an example.
This is one of the unique cases in which burial was found in such structures.
The tomb was discovered quite accidentally by local residents in 1931.
This is the biggest and one of the most interesting and impressive domed tombs of Mycenaean type in Thrace.
It is entirely preserved in its original form.
The tomb was investigated by Professor Bogdan Dimitrov Filov - a prominent Bulgarian archaeologist and politician, Prime Minister of Bulgaria in the two governments in the period of 1940-1943.
There in the tomb were found burial, gold jewelry, figurines, and household items.
Burial dated 4-2 century BC.
This information can be found in any archaeologist directory.
As you understand it allows archaeologists to say that Royal Kurgan and the Tomb of Atreus were looted (although there are no evidences for this.)
Here is the Report, published by Bogdan Filov in the Bulletin of the Bulgarian Archeological Institute, volume XI, part 1, 1937 (on Bulgarian, "Известия на Българския археологически институт, том.XI,часть 1, 1937".)
Facts from the Bogdan Filov Report:
1. Burial from 4-2 BC irrelevant to the construction of this facility, they are from much later period (there is a good reason). So, tomb itself was built much earlier.
2. Before burial, this facility has long been used as an underground sanctuary.
3. Initial burial (i.e., for whom the tomb was possibly built) haven’t been found (i.e., nothing was found there at all, any traces.)
4. By architectural features this tomb possibly dates 12 BC.
Filov was agonizingly trying to find the evidence of the earlier looting of the tomb for a long time, but haven’t got any success.
As a result, the tomb was dated 4th century BC (although it doesn’t fit with other facts).
Thus used in archeology tomb dating brings great confusion in the history of civilization.
Because archeologists can’t consider that such structures are not tombs, and initially they were built as technical facilities.
Here are some drawings from the Bogdan Filov Report:
Facility has a view of typical subterranean domed infrasound receiver.
The total length of it is over 30 meters.
Figure 83. Scheme of Thracian tomb near Mezek.
As you can see on figure 84 below, antennas of receiver are made without keystone.
Figure 84. Entrance to the Thracian tomb near Mezek.
Figure 85. Corridor leading to the matching device.
Figure 86. A dome. Dome is made of high
quality processed stone.
There is a stone rectangular resonator and two symmetrical adjusting wells inside the dome.
Positioning of domed tuning-fork infrasound receivers regarding the pyramid of Khufu.
Since the receivers have a dual dipole, there exists an optimal position of the reception of wave signal.
In these examples (below), all the antennas are positioned at an angle of 35 degrees to the direction of the pyramid of Khufu.
Figure 86.1. Position of antenna (dromos) regarding direction of the pyramid of Khufu, for the Royal Kurgan, Kerch, Ukraine.
Figure 86.2. Position of antenna (dromos) regarding direction of the pyramid of Khufu, for the Thracian tomb near Mezek, Bulgaria.
Figure 86.3. Position of antenna (dromos) regarding direction of the pyramid of Khufu, for the Treasury of Atreus, Mycenae, Greece.
This suggests the idea that other antennas should be placed at the similar angle to the direction of the source of infrasound. Drum volumetric and tuning-fork infrasound receivers.
These two-storey underground receivers used drum amplifiers, on which the second floor was erected.
The second floor was designed as volumetric resonator with tuning fork antenna and amplifying sound chamber.
Receivers of this type were built by Tripoli culture (Ukraine). Rocky volumetric tuning-fork infrasound receivers.
In rocky receivers antenna is projecting layer of rock formation.
Edge of the stone layer should be positioned at an angle of 35° to the direction of the source of infrasound.
Figure 87. Position of the stone layer regarding direction of the source of infrasound.
There is a trapezoidal broadband tuning-fork carved at the edge of the rocky layer.
Tuning-fork is connected to the resonator through the slit matching device.
Figure 88. View on broadband tuning-fork with resonant ring carved in the rocky layer.
Resonant ring of broadband tuning-fork is embedded into the domed resonator.
The advantage of such receivers is large enough power of signal received from the antenna (rock).
Therefore dome of resonator may be small enough.
There adjusting well is usually made inside the dome with purpose to adjust a resonant frequency of the dome.
Such receivers were usually built on small Greek islands, since the cost of their construction is not high.
The main problem was in finding the proper rocky ledge on which infrasound energy concentrates.
If the receiver started to operate, there on the rocky ledge were made more receivers.
Often in the top of the dome was made a “dormer window”, which allows increasing the number of listeners.
Example 4. Rocky volumetric tuning-fork infrasound receiver in Kefalonia, Greece.
Coordinates: 38°7'48.12"N, 20°32'40.04"E.
Archaeologists call this: Mine tombs of Mycenaean period – Mazarakata.
Figure 89. Profile of the tuning-fork antenna.
Coordinates: 38°7'48.12"N, 20°32'40.04"E.
Archaeologists call this: Mine tombs of Mycenaean period – Mazarakata.
Figure 89. Profile of the tuning-fork antenna.
Inside there was a small secondary resonator (type 3) with regulating well.
Dome had the upper auditory sound outlet.
The resonator was connected to an antenna (dromos) using a slot matching device.
In this example, there were built more than 10 receivers in the rock.
The edge of the rock here is cut too at an angle of 35 degrees to the Great Pyramid.
Figure 90. The angle between the edge of the Mazarakata rock and direction to the Great Pyramid.
To be continued…
No comments here yet? Very interesting work! I have yet to read through it all, but I am convinced that there is advanced science behind these structures. Excellent!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis dude has literally figured out the mysteries of Antiquity.
Seriously though... I am baffled as to why your theory hasn't been brought up, and EVERYBODY reading this needs to link it to someone they know, or on social media. So many American YouTube Channels would go nuts over this: Ancient Architects, Bright Insight, cfapps7865, Brien Foerster and/or Phenomenal Travel Videos. I've tried my best to contact them so your theory can reach more people, but I'm just some random guy. Regardless of how quickly your theory gains traction: What you are saying, and the implications it puts forward are literally CIVILIZATION CHANGING. Thank you so much friend, from the bottom of my heart. You have scratched an itch that has been driving humans crazy for centuries.
Frustrated Human Seeking Answers
DeleteHey one more thing,
ReplyDeleteI found this research article titled "Piezoelectric Generator for Powering Remote Sensing Networks" I think you should check it out:
-Still Frustrated, But Getting Better
Excellent analysis!
ReplyDeleteWould the tuning fork receivers you describe function correctly made as they are from multiple blocks? I would have thought this would prevent them 'ringing'. Would the joins between blocks not make them like a cracked bell and the signal would decay quickly?
I am not sure about a couple of the facts though:
- You mention sea levels have dropped. As far as I know they have been rising since 16K BC or so?
- I do not think Antartica has been Ice Free for much longer than you suggest.
What do you think about the Hydraulic Ram Pump under the pyramid of Giza being the source of an InfraSound signal... perhaps as a high power alarm without an additional information content?
When is part 3 coming? :)
Am I a form receiver?? Check out my experiences written below.
DeleteWhat if any is the relavance of the Giza pyramids brodcast direction to the moons cycles . Could a signal be sent to the moon from these tuning chambers and if so how strong of a sound wave focal point?
ReplyDeleteWonderful study. You Sir really got in to it and thank you for such hard work.
ReplyDeleteI read it all, and all from pyramidal oscillators&transmitters to receivers, especially with demodulators (second resonator), looks me very similar to so called "strip-line technic" used in radio transmitters, witch have usually 1/4 wavelength resonator in the proper size of box, and matchbox, and antenna tinning and so on and so on.
With all written in your study and all what I did read and know about electromagnetic waves, it seams all this from Kusko-Peru, Giza, India, way to China..all in one line,
it's looks to me as one big global telecommunication network, sure on infra-sound level.
Ancient ones had worldwide signal and modulated communication. That is the conclusion from all this.
This is very interesting stuff. It seems to ring true and makes a lot more sense. However, there should be a way to turn these pyramids back online. Why can't they still be tuned?
ReplyDelete'ring true', nice pun.
DeleteI managed to be alone in second greatest pyramid in Giza in 2006, when power went out when I had just stepped inside. Everyone came out. To the consternation of guards, I went in. This was second visit to pyramids. Just testing that this will post, then I will continue.
ReplyDeleteOkay, so, on first trip, in Great Pyramid, I sat in main chamber for two hours watching tourist traffic and silly photo poses. Then I coughed slightly, and a crazy loud frequency filled the room. Hmmm. It has been a tiny sound, like an internal grunt, anyway, I did it again, barely audible, my back was against the wall, I made a tiny sound, and, boom, tourists were looking upwards for speakers, nobody knew it was me. It was fun, I sat there so innocent. Then later a guide was amongst the tourists and I'd just made the sound happen again, folks looking for source of noise etc, the guide looked at me, saw me grin, said, is that you making this sound, I smiled with a shrug of my shoulders, he gave me thumbs up sign. Two years later, I returned to Giza. It has been my dream to be alone in pyramid but I thought that would be impossible feat. Fast forward to me stepping into second pyramid, power going out, way hey, off I went, hey you, come back, the guards shouted, no way, Jose!
ReplyDeleteDown I went, in the darkness, oh it was beyond dark. Down down, then along the flat bit, then up, up, to the opening to the Queens Chamber.
...continued from above...long story short, I stood at the entrance to the chamber but did not go in. I wasn't scared, I was feeling humbled and blessed to be alone in pyramid, I didn't want to seem greedy, as a person, I am thoughtful and polite and do not need to impress. I turned to slowly make my way back, albeit, I stayed in that corridor for 40 minutes. I, of course, remembered how my back against King's Chamber wall 2004, had created loud crazy non echo frequency, indeed, I wasn't being audible enough to create echo, yet super loud frequency had filled chamber. So I decided to try in the corridor, I was still high up near chamber entrance. I leaned against the wall and made barely audible short hum, and again a loud strange frequency 'echoed' back, but not like a hum. I did this a few times, trying to make the hum as tiny and quiet as possible, yet still the loud frequency echo came back. I thought the biggest test would be to blow on the wall, as the wall would only receive the sound of my breath, which was virtually zero sound, imagine a ladylike blow across the top of a delicate China teacup, it was that tiny of a sound, and yet, again, that crazy loud frequency echoed back. Why do you think this happened? When I exited the pyramid the guards were a bit ticked off, wanted some money, but I was in quite ecstatic shock and gratitude beyond words and said no amount of money could pay for what had just happened, got on my horse and trotted off. Thank you for reading. If you want to contact me, my email is ferroever@gmail.
ReplyDeleteI might add that once a person came up to me and put a golfsized semi precious rock in palm of my hand, strange huh, that then exploded and turned to dust and fragments. What the heck!!I currently live on slope of volcano at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, the lake is formed in giant super caldera and there are three other volcanoes here and some pyramids, that soon I am going to find, they are not advertised openly to tourists.
ReplyDeleteHow can i contact you ?
ReplyDeleteDo you know much about vibroacoustic disease and sensitization to infrasound? I would really like to hear your opinion. Is there a way to email you my story? I do not want to post it in the comments feed.
ReplyDeletevery interesting , you should have a look at this page wich is providing a similar theory. Unfortunatly it is german but worth to read
I am flabbergasted by all your research; Unfortunately I lack sufficient knowledge of physics to gauge its importance, but I feel great about your attack on the arrogance of mainstream archeology, of which is also victim Praveen Mohan, the young Indian archeologist who has opened up so many secrets and charateristics of physics of Indian temples. He has even been deleted by facebook sometimes........ thank you so much for opening up to the intelligent world of our far ancestors.....
ReplyDeletedrs alfred vierling
The Hague, Netherlands
Thanks for Sharing that such a great blog
ReplyDelete"Birth and destruction of the pyramids. Types of the ancient infrasound receivers." Thats a very graceful blog to read and get ancient information but as my previous knowledge when I visit Dubai I experience the same views in the Museum where I Thanks to