Author: Efiraom.
Initially, the article was published here (on Russian):
Date of first version of the publication: 20.02.2013.
Summary: this article reveals the purpose and goal of building of the pyramids by the prehistoric civilizations of Earth (on example of the Great Pyramid of Giza), as well as domed underground tombs, dolmens, megalithic structures of the Neolithic period (Sades, Menhirs, Cromlechs etc.) and other previously hardly explained objects (the total number of which is not less than 100,000 on our planet).
The SCIROCCO theory logically combines all of these mysterious objects together and explains what they had been built for and how they work from a scientific point of view only: by the use of Wave Theory and the Theoretical Foundations of Radio Engineering.
- 1. Entry
- 1.1. Resonator, oscillator, and energy flow.
- 1.2. Sound oscillators running on air flows.
- 2. Electrical transmitters of energy.
- 2.1. Functional diagram of the oscillator.
- 2.2. Functional diagram of a transmitter.
- 2.3. Functional diagram of a transmitter with frequency modulation.
- 3. SCIROCCO - Vibroacoustic Infrasound Oscillator powered by wind flow.
- 3.1. Functional diagram and assessment of the oscillator’s power.
- 3.2. Description of the SCIROCCO oscillator operation.
- 3.3. Coriolis amplifier. Orientation of the transmitter. The directional diagram of antenna radiation.
- 3.4. Choosing location for the SCIROCCO oscillator-transmitter.
- 4. Vibroacoustic infrasound oscillators on the Giza plateau.
- 4.1. Background.
- 4.2. Three models of vibroacoustic infrasound oscillators.
- 4.3. Vibroacoustic infrasound oscillator of the Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops).
- 4.4. Birth of the pyramids.
- 4.5. Destruction of the pyramids.
- 5. Infrasound receivers.
- 5.1. Signaling receivers.
- 5.2. Informational receivers.
- 5.2.1. Volumetric tuning-fork infrasound data receivers.
- Domed volumetric tuning-fork infrasound receivers.
- Drum volumetric and tuning-fork infrasound receivers.
- Rocky volumetric tuning-fork infrasound receivers.
- 5.2.2. On-rocky volumetric infrasound data receivers.
- Tumulus – on-rocky volumetric pseudo-domed infrasound receivers.
- Dolmen - on-rocky volumetric infrasound receivers.
- Mastaba - on-rocky volumetric infrasound receivers.
- Nuraghe - on-rocky volumetric infrasound receivers.
- 5.2.3. Tuning-fork infrasound data receivers.
- Figured tuning-fork infrasound receivers.
- Rod tuning-fork infrasound receivers.
- Colonnades.
- 5.2.4. Domed ground receivers. Naves, Cathedrals, Mosques, Stupas (Pagodas.)
- Frequency characteristics of domed ground receivers.
7. Conclusion.
8. Statement of authorship.
9. Sources of information.
10. Publications in peer-reviewed scientific magazines.
1. Entry.
Vibroacoustic infrasound interfaces are designed to broadcast energy in an elastic medium (such as water, soil, air, etc.).
Such infrasound interfaces are actively used by marine animals (whales, killer whales) to communicate on distances of over 1000 km (range of 10-40 Hz).
The communication distance recorded for the blue whale is 1,300 km (Miller, 1951; Scharf, 1970).
Similar systems were developed in the 20th century for communication with moving underwater objects (submarines).
But attempts to achieve satisfactory results in the audio range failed. Instead, power transmitters have been designed with a range of low frequency radio signal SLF (30-300 Hz).
Effective antenna size for those frequencies shall be up to thousands of kilometers (Lmin = 3 * 108/300 = 1 * 106 m = 1000 km).
Actually the antennas are made with dimensions of tens of kilometers, while the efficiency of antennas becomes very low and you have to compensate for this by high power supply.
There is need to use high-power electric power stations to operate these transmitters.
From the open sources today are known:
- "Zeus" System, Russia, 82 Hz.
- "Seafarer" System, the United States, 76 Hz.
It is likely that Russia and the United States were able to build transmitters in the range ELF (3-30 Hz), but this information is extremely confidential.
Cost and size of such transmitters are extremely huge.
Radio signals of such frequency can easily penetrate into the water and ice that makes them indispensable for communication with underwater objects anywhere in the world and at any depth of the ocean.
In this article we will examine several infrasound transmitters of 9-16 Hz range.
These ancient infrasound generators are working on energy of air flows.
Infrasound transmitters are very effective since the velocity of sound is much less than the velocity of the electromagnetic wave.
Wavelength for the 12.25 Hz audio-signals frequency in the air is 28 m; in limestone which was used to build the pyramids is 230 m; in granite stone is 440 m.
Efficient antenna size should be comparable to half of a wavelength in the propagation medium.
Therefore, to obtain the effective antennas (vibrators) in the audio range is much easier than in the electric range.
Although Russian engineers failed to build infrasound broadcasting system but we can describe the working principle of these ancient power installations.
For this we will use the well-known scientific knowledge and concepts, such as a resonator, generator, energy, energy flow.
So we are going to use TFR (Theoretical Foundations of Radio Engineering), as it is the most advanced scientific theory describing transfer of energy by the wave processes.
1.1. Resonator, oscillator, energy flow.
Resonator is an object that can perform free damped oscillatory process after a single energy impact on this object.
Resonator is characterized by self-excitation frequency and quality factor.
Quality factor determines the damping of free vibrations; the higher the quality factor, the more of free vibrations the resonator can perform.
Once received a portion of the energy, the resonator is spending it with every oscillation.
Some of the energy spends on heat due to friction forces.
Another portion of the energy is transferred to the physical medium as wave energy in a certain frequency band.
The smaller the bandwidth in which wave energy is transmitted and less friction loss, the higher the quality factor of the resonator.
There are some different kinds of resonators:
1. Pendulum
2. String
3. Bell
4. Camerton (tuning fork)
5. Quartz crystal
6. Atomic resonator.
Resonators may be different, but they are described by the same equations of wave processes.
The essence of the oscillating process is harmonic transition of energy from the potential into kinetic form and back, for a certain period of time.
In order to prevent oscillatory process damping in the resonator, it is necessary to compensate the energy loss of each oscillation period.
Devices that do this are called oscillators.
The oscillator must have connection of resonator to the energy flow in the time interval divisible to the period of oscillation of the resonator.
Energy flow is a stream of particles moving under the force created by the energy potential difference between two points in space.
For emergence of potential the force is needed which can act on the particle of energy flow.
Forces can have different causes, but calculating of its actions is described by the same equations.
For example, let’s consider two similar elements of space and put there 50 particles into one and 10 particles into another.
Assume that these are the air molecules or electrons so that there is a force of repulsion between them.
The force of the interaction will determine the energy potential F1 and F2 of these elements of space.
F2 potential will be a bigger since the bigger repulsive force will act on the particles.
For emergence of potential the force is needed which can act on the particle of energy flow.
Forces can have different causes, but calculating of its actions is described by the same equations.
For example, let’s consider two similar elements of space and put there 50 particles into one and 10 particles into another.
Assume that these are the air molecules or electrons so that there is a force of repulsion between them.
The force of the interaction will determine the energy potential F1 and F2 of these elements of space.
F2 potential will be a bigger since the bigger repulsive force will act on the particles.
Fig.1. The similar elements of space with different amounts of interacting particles.
Potential difference is called voltage; it characterizes the total force acting on particles between two points in space.
If we link these two elements of space by the physical medium capable of transmitting particles, there will be a flow of energy.
Fig.2. The emergence of the energy flow.
The energy flow is characterized by the force of flow or current strength.
The force of flow determines the velocity of transfer of energy potential between two points in space.
The quantity of the current strength (force of flow) I depends on the voltage U (potential difference) and the medium resistance R.
In general, this is the Ohm's law I = U / R.
Particles, overcoming resistance of link, transfer their energy to heat and useful work.
For example, if the sailboat is placed into an air flow, then it will be under the action of force that will cause it to move in the direction of flow.
The flow will perform useful work (movement of a sailboat) which is equal to A = F * S (where: A - work in joules; F - force in newtons; S - distance in meters).
Work done by a unit of time called the power P = A / t (measured in watts).
Also, power is determined as the product of voltage (energy potential difference) and the current strength (velocity of energy potential transfer) P = U * I (measured in watts).
Table 1. Energy flows
Flow | Particle | Potential difference | Force |
rain | water drop | height (m) | gravitation |
river | water molecule | pressure (Pa) | gravitation |
wind | air molecules | pressure (Pa) | compression |
compressed air | air molecules | pressure (Pa) | compression |
alpha radiation | proton | (eV) | nuclear forces |
beta radiation | electron | (eV) | nuclear forces |
electric current | electron | voltage (V) | Coulomb |
In various sciences these processes is called differently, although they have a common essence.
For example, in pneumatics the potential is the pressure, the voltage is the pressure difference, etc.
Electrical science such as Theoretical Foundations of Radio Engineering (TFR) describes these processes most fully and practically significant.
TFR can describe all oscillatory processes regardless of their origin: mechanical, nuclear, electrical, sound.
The main oscillator in the Radio Engineering is built on a quartz crystal resonator.
Quartz crystal resonator - it is a stone that knocks inside every mobile phone, smartphone, TV, computer, remote, satellite, etc.
It defines the beginning and end of all the movements of electrons in the device.
Furthermore, only the TFR fully describes the transmission of wave energy by oscillator in space.
1.2. Sound oscillators running on air flows.
The oscillator must efficiently convert the energy flow into the wave energy of medium.
For this purpose it is intended.
Sound oscillator running on air energy flow is very effective.
Let's start with the oldest:
A. The human vocal apparatus.
It is a multimode oscillator of sound waves that runs on energy of compressed air.
It has several resonators - the vocal cords (85-255 Hz).
The transmitter includes many parts (pharynx, tongue, mouth, teeth, lips, etc.) and is capable to modulate the sound carrier frequencies by overtones.
Used by human for the broadcasting informational exchange in an elastic medium via the "voice-hearing" interface.
It is highly efficient and versatile.
It provides an operating distance of up to hundreds of meters in the air.
B. Vocal apparatus of a whale.
It is able to generate infrasound frequencies in band of 10-40 Hz.
It is very efficient.
It provides the range of signal transmission in the water up to 1300 km.
Created by human:
A. Wind musical instruments (flute, trumpet, horn, etc.)
These are audio oscillators working on energy airflow.
Have several built-in resonators of different frequencies.
Have modulators of overtones and elements of the signal amplitude amplification.
B. Whistle.
It is the simplest audio oscillator that runs on energy of the air flow.
C. Pyramidal infrasound oscillators.
Descriptions of infrasound oscillators see in section 3.4.
All oscillators, transmitters and receivers operate on the same principles which are based on the resonance properties of the objects and wave energy transfer method.
Therefore, the operation of these devices can be best explained by the example of electrical devices.
Since modern civilization is greatly succeeded in this.
2. Electric transmitters of energy.
2.1. Functional diagram of the oscillator.
Currently we are able to create radio transmitters that use alternating electric current to transfer energy between objects by means of electromagnetic waves.
These devices are built on the basis of oscillator circuits (alternators).
In particular, alternators created image of a modern civilization; almost all the achievements of modern humanity associated with this concept.
This device has been developed by Nikola Tesla, the greatest genius-engineer of mankind.
Fig. 3. Functional diagram of the alternator.
To operate the alternator must have:
1. Energy (positive and negative potential creating energy flow).
2. Amplifier - a device that amplifies the signal from input to output.
3. Resonator - an oscillating device having a resonance frequency and high quality factor.
4. Positive feedback - the channel by which part of the energy of the signal from the amplifier output falls to its input.
To start oscillator working you should ensure following:
1. The signal from the amplifier output should return to the input with a delay equal to the period of oscillation (or multiple of the period).
2. Amplitudes of the signals at the input and the output of the amplifier must be equal (i.e., the loop gain of positive feedback must be equal to 1.0).
Under these conditions there harmonic self-oscillation occurs, in which the oscillation process is supported by energy consumption.
Essentially direct current (energy) is converted into an alternating current (energy).
Alternating energy is radiating through space by wave process which moves energy due to the inertial properties of the medium.
That is, the medium can transmit in space converting one into another potential and kinetic energy, obtained from the oscillator.
There is a waved energy field occurs in the medium around the oscillator which extends into the space at the speed of propagation in the medium.
If we put in this wave field an object which has a resonance at a given wavelength, the object will begin to pick up the energy from the medium.
As a result, part of the oscillator’s energy will be transmitted to this object, which is called the receiver.
If the transmitter and the receiver have absolutely the same frequencies, the receiver can pick up so much energy that the oscillator will have a lack of power.
As a result, the amplitude of the wave energy field around the oscillator begins to decrease, balancing this energy consumption of receiver.
For normal operation of the system oscillator - receivers, the power of oscillator should exceed the total power of all the receivers (including parasitic).
2.2. Functional diagram of a transmitter.
The transmitter consists:
1. Alternator.
2. Waveguide - a limited portion of the medium with specified properties for transmitting alternating energy to the given point with minimal losses.
3. Vibrator (Antenna) - a device for the efficient transmission of energy at a given frequency from one physical medium to another.
4. Impedance matching devices - devices balancing speed of energy flows between the oscillator, the waveguide and the vibrator.
5. Physical medium of signal propagation.
Fig. 4. Functional diagram of the transmitter.
In order that the transmitter may operate we need to make equal: the output impedance of the oscillator, the impedance of the waveguide, and the input impedance of the vibrator.
For this the special matching devices are used which equalize the impedances between all parts of the transmitter.
Impedance in this case shows the reciprocal transfer velocity of energy potential by a single charge.
If the oscillator produces energy at a higher rate than it can pass a waveguide, some part of the energy will be reflected back to the oscillator.
As a result, in all connections where the impedance is out of alignment, there will be a reflection of the energy in the opposite direction.
Reflecting back, the energy misses the propagation medium and transmitter's efficiency decreases.
Thus the process of matching of the oscillator with a vibrator (antenna) is the basis of all wave technology.
2.3. Functional diagram of frequency modulated transmitter.
To transmit information by transmitter shown in Figure 4, you can only turn it on and off, that is, by use of Morse code.
In modern transmitters information is transmitted by modulating of the carrier frequency (FM, frequency modulation), and therefore there is no need to turn the oscillator off and on.
The transmitter frequency changes proportionally to the change of the informational signal.
Fig. 5. Functional diagram of frequency modulated transmitter.
Frequency mixer (modulator) is typically used to change the frequency of the carrier oscillator, which allows to summarize / subtract frequencies of given to its inputs signals.
The second method of FM modulation is the change of the signal delay time in the feedback circuit of the carrier frequency oscillator.
Fig. 6. Functional diagram of FM transmitter with sweep-frequency oscillator.
Such an oscillator is called the sweep-frequency oscillator, because one oscillator swings the other oscillator.
We can build in a voltage variable capacitor (varicap) which alters its capacity depending on the given to it voltage instead of upper oscillator.
So, the increase in capacitance in the feedback circuit will increase the signal delay in the positive feedback, whereby the frequency of the oscillator decreases.
Thus, we get an FM transmitter, in which the frequency of the signal will vary in proportion of given to the varicap informational signal.
Dignity of the first functional diagram is the stability of the carrier frequency, the second - is the simplicity of its implementation.
3. SCIROCCO - Vibroacoustic Infrasound Oscillator powered by wind flow.
3.1. Functional diagram and calculation of estimation power of the oscillator.
The oscillator is powered by constantly blowing winds, such as the southern Scirocco (or Sirocco, the constant wind in North Africa).
Wind is the one of the major energy sources, which mankind learned to use above all.
Wind force is calculated by the formula: F = CV2pS/2
C - shape coefficient of wind load for a large flat plate with sharp angles C = 1.33
p - air density 1.29 kg/m3
S - sectional area of the wind load, m2
V - wind speed relative to the wind load, m/s
We can calculate the wind energy capabilities of SCIROCCO oscillator.
An average value of the wind speed is about 10 m/s, with gusts up to 30 m/s, sometimes weakening up to 2 m/s.
Let’s calculate the theoretical maximum power that can be taken from physical body with cross-section of 1 m2 at wind speed of 10 m/s:
The pressure force of the wind on the condition that the body is immovable F = 1.33 * 102 * 1.29 * 1/2 = 85.785 N (Newton, i.e. about 8.4 kg)
Power is the work done by the force per unit of time.
If the body is stationary or moving at a flow rate, the power consumption is zero, since there is no useful work.
Maximum power is released when the body moves (wind load) at a rate of 1/3 of the speed of wind flow.
Therefore, to calculate the maximum power, we assume that the wind is moving our body with the speed of 3.3 m/s.
If the body is stationary or moving at a flow rate, the power consumption is zero, since there is no useful work.
Maximum power is released when the body moves (wind load) at a rate of 1/3 of the speed of wind flow.
Therefore, to calculate the maximum power, we assume that the wind is moving our body with the speed of 3.3 m/s.
Then the wind speed relative to the body is equal to 10 - 3.3 = 6.7 m/s.
The wind force acting on the body is equal to F = 1.33 * 6.72 * 1.29 * 1/2 = 38.5 N
We can calculate power as the ratio of work to time P = A / t = F * L / t = F * V * t / t = FV = 38.54 * 3.3 = 127 W,
P = A/t - power, W (watt)
A = F * L – work, J (joule)
L = V * t – distance, covered by a body, m
t - time, s
V - body velocity (relatively to wind flow), m/s
Figure 7. The graph of power consumed by body with a cross section of 1 m2, which moving in air flow with velocity of 10 m/s.
The X axis shows the rate of movement of the body in m/s.
The Y axis shows the power consumption of the body in watts.
It can be seen that this function has a maximum at 3.3 m/s (1/3 of the flow rate).
For example, the maximum possible power consumption of the Khufu's Pyramid at such wind will be equal to:
P = S * 127 = 0.5 * 230 * 146 * 127 = 2,132,330 W = 2 MW.
S, m2 - cross-sectional area of the pyramid (isosceles triangle).
127 W/m2 - the maximum number of watts that can be obtained with 1 m2 at wind speed of 10 m/s.
This is a very high power for any transmitter.
For example, the transmitter’s power of the Ostankino (Moscow) First TV Channel is 0.04 MW.
Here is a functional diagram of the SCIROCCO oscillator below which built on base of a classical oscillator circuit shown in Figure 3.
For example, the transmitter’s power of the Ostankino (Moscow) First TV Channel is 0.04 MW.
Here is a functional diagram of the SCIROCCO oscillator below which built on base of a classical oscillator circuit shown in Figure 3.
Figure 8. Physical diagram of the SCIROCCO pyramidal vibroacoustic oscillator.
On the Diagram numerals indicate:
1. Resonator (tuning fork).
2 . Chamber of an active resonant amplifier.
3 . Focusing corner reflector.
4 . Feeder channel of the positive potential of energy.
5 . Feeder channel of the negative potential of energy.
6. Granite plates (membrane) of the positive potential of wind energy.
7. Granite plates (membrane) of the negative potential of wind energy.
8. Signal tap (waveguide) from the amplifier output to the positive feedback loop.
9. Positive feedback switch.
10 . Positive feedback channel (waveguide).
11. Wave channel (waveguide).
12. Resonant vibrator.
13. Matching devices.
Granite has good hardness and good sound conductivity with sound speed up to 4000 m/s.
All the flatnesses on which the acoustic wave moves should be smooth and polished.
Use of a softer stones is possible too, but the loss on heating surfaces of membranes and waveguides would be larger.
The resonator (tuning-fork) (1).
Resonator is analog of modern quartz crystal resonator, i.e. electric oscillators today are also excited by stones.
Therefore it is not surprising that it’s used in the SCIROCCO oscillator.
The resonator can be of any shape, hollow, open, closed, etc.
It should be made of solid (ringing) material and have a pronounced resonance with high quality factor.
To ensure the high quality factor of the resonator it should be raised off the floor and put on a very solid supports (for example, silicon).
Chamber of an active resonant amplifier (resonant chamber) (2).
Its frequency must be a multiple of the frequency of the resonator.
The floor of the resonant chamber must be paved by not clamped granite slabs with a gap and hard pads.
This reinforces the vibration of the resonator chamber due to the secondary reemission.
Corner reflector focuses the acoustic signal on the floor of the chamber in the area of the resonator.
This reduces the amplifier output impedance, and facilitates more effective output of energy to the waveguide.
Chamber may be provided with re-vibrating beams (directors), which amplify the signal coming from the corner reflector.
The chamber has to be provided with the feed and positive feedback channels.
Adjustment of chamber’s frequency is realized by the varying of volume of adjusting well.
Adjusting well should be filled by quartz sand of high quality.
The best place for the amplifier resonant chamber is the geometric center or center of the base of the pyramid.
Feeder channels (power supply waveguides) (4, 5).
Feeder channels provide power supply of positive and negative energy potentials and represent open granite waveguides.
They transmit the sound wave energy created by granite membranes (6, 7) to the resonant chamber (2).
These channels begin under the granite facing of the pyramid and resemble doctoral stethoscope.
The channels should be opened, since when oscillator is starting, primary energy may cause a permanent or very low-frequency potential which is determined by the slow variation of the wind load.
When the oscillator is running the pyramid vibrates on frequency of 9-16 Hz; wave energy of this frequency radiates from membranes and goes very well through the air and even better through the granite.
If these channels were closed by granite plugs the oscillator would not start; at the same time currently running oscillator would work with corked feeder channels. It is because granite is transparent for infrasound and opaque for sound waves.
Feeder channels provide power supply of positive and negative energy potentials and represent open granite waveguides.
They transmit the sound wave energy created by granite membranes (6, 7) to the resonant chamber (2).
These channels begin under the granite facing of the pyramid and resemble doctoral stethoscope.
The channels should be opened, since when oscillator is starting, primary energy may cause a permanent or very low-frequency potential which is determined by the slow variation of the wind load.
When the oscillator is running the pyramid vibrates on frequency of 9-16 Hz; wave energy of this frequency radiates from membranes and goes very well through the air and even better through the granite.
If these channels were closed by granite plugs the oscillator would not start; at the same time currently running oscillator would work with corked feeder channels. It is because granite is transparent for infrasound and opaque for sound waves.
Waveguides (wave channels) (8, 10, and 11).
Waveguides are used to transmit wave energy of the oscillator.
Waveguides not participate in the starting of the oscillator (Phase 1), so that they may be corked by granite plugs.
Using of granite lens (plugs) in waveguide allows you to adjust the time of passage of the wave through the waveguide.
Positive feedback channels (8, 10).
These are very important waveguides. The signal, coming from the amplifier output, must pass through these channels for the time period divisible to wave period.
Originally channels were made with big signal delay.
After final assembly of the oscillator you need to perform final adjustment of the signal delay.
For this purpose the granite lens (plugs) of predetermined thickness are inserted into the channels.
Since the sound speed in the granite lens is 15 times greater than in the air, the delay of the signal in the channel is reduced.
Reliable starting of the oscillator at the resonant frequencies achieves by the proper selection of lenses.
Waveguide (11).
The waveguides are designed to transmit the sound wave energy.
They are characterized by the wave impedance, i.e. potential transfer rate by unit element of propagation medium.
Wave impedance of the waveguide must be matched with the output impedance of the oscillator and the input impedance of the vibrator.
This matching is the main essence of the engineering design of the transmitter.
Matching quality of these elements is estimated by standing wave ratio (SWR).
SWR characterizes ratio of transmitted and reflected energy in the waveguide.
The well matched waveguide transmits all the energy produced by the oscillator to the vibrator which then is distributed in a physical medium.
In case of poor matching most of the energy is reflected back to the oscillator.
The science called Theoretical Foundations of Radio Engineering is responsible for calculating of impedances and their matching.
Besides the reflections in waveguides there are irretrievable losses on heating of the waveguides.
In any waveguide there is a loss of energy during its transmission due to friction, bending and breaking of symmetry of the waveguides.
Therefore, the surface smoothness and symmetry of waveguides are most important.
Matching devices (13).
These are special volumetric and reflecting elements, which are designed to match the output impedance of the amplifier, waveguide impedance and input impedance of the vibrator.
The transmitter is practically useless without these elements, because of the large signal reflection.
Vibrator (12).
This is a device for transmitting of acoustic energy from the air medium of the waveguide to the stone medium of the monolith under the pyramid.
Vibrator is a rectangular chamber, hewn in the monolith.
The length of the long side of the vibrator must be equal to the length of the transmitted wave in the air.
Other dimensions do not play a big role.
3.2. Description of the SCIROCCO oscillator operation.
Phase 1. Excitation of the oscillator by the variable wind load.
Initial starting of the oscillator is happening at a very low frequency (0.001-1 Hz), which is created by a change in wind strength over time.
Sound wave of such frequency can propagate only in open air channels because stone for it is not transparent.
Wind, naturally changing its strength, creates on granite membranes (6, 7) sound waves of very low frequency.
Sound wave created by the changing wind goes through the open channels (4, 5) into the chamber of an active resonant amplifier (2).
This is enough energy to excite the tuning fork (resonator) at its resonance frequency.
If the positive feedback switch (9) is turned on, than positive feedback (8) is linked through the wave channel (10) to the resonant chamber (2).
This causes the generation of a frequency multiple to the frequency of the tuning fork (resonator), on which the chamber amplifier (2) is tuned up.
The resonance amplifier comprising: the resonant chamber (2), the corner reflector (3), and feeder channels (4, 5).
The amplified signal from the output of the chamber amplifier comes on a matching device (13).
Matching device matches impedances of chamber (2) and the waveguide (11) to avoid signal reflections.
Sound signal goes by the waveguide (11) to the vibrator (12), which distributes the wave energy field in the stone monolith.
Part of the output signal is taken by the positive feedback through the waveguide (8) and goes through the channel (10) back into the resonant chamber (2).
Oscillator starts to be excited, increasing the power consumption with each cycle.
Phase 2. Acceleration of the oscillator at the operating frequency.
Operating frequency of the oscillator is tens of hertz (9-16 Hz); the stone easily conducts such sound frequency, it is transparent to such frequency.
Vibrator (12), which is tuned on the operating frequency, creates in the stone monolith a wave sound field of operating frequency which transmits to the pyramid base.
The base of the pyramid has the length equal to the operating wavelength of sound in the stone monolith.
Pyramid begins to resonate, gradually increasing the amplitude of vibration at the operating frequency.
Since granite membranes (6, 7) start to move with the operating frequency regarding to the wind flow, they create infrasound wave of operating frequency (9-16 Hz).
It also can be called a carrier frequency. Below we will see that the carrier frequency for pyramidal infrasound oscillator is typically equal to 12.25 Hz.
It also can be called a carrier frequency. Below we will see that the carrier frequency for pyramidal infrasound oscillator is typically equal to 12.25 Hz.
Now variable wind is not important. It may be any including constant.
The main value of the frequency of the sound wave produced by the membranes will be determined by the operating frequency of the oscillator.
The oscillation amplitude of the pyramid will increase until it reaches the maximum power consumption.
Phase 3. Operation at full power.
Since the stone is transparent for the operating infrasound wave (9-16 Hz), the stone body of pyramid actively begins to collect acoustic waves from the entire surface of membranes.
In fact the whole pyramid becomes an audible broadband signal amplifier with a frequency defined by the resonant chamber.
The resonator of high quality factor supports this frequency with high accuracy.
Horn shape of the pyramid focuses the collected sound energy on a stone monolith under the base of the pyramid.
This in turn shakes pyramid more and more.
Now wind energy is directly consumed by the moving pyramid.
The body of the pyramid becomes a broadband signal amplifier, which converts constant flow of energy (from which it is fed) into a variable energy.
In this mode, the internal structure of the oscillator begins to perform only controlling and setting function.
The main power of wave signal begins to spread over the surface of the planet at a speed of 1500 to 5500 m/s.
Important comments for non-specialists in the wave theory:
a) There is no air flow, wind, “chimney draught” and aerodynamics inside the pyramid.
There is only wave (sound) transference of energy occurs inside the pyramid.
For example, when doctor listening to your heart he puts membrane of stethoscope to your chest.
Membrane shakes synchronously with the heart beats, creating a sound wave, which by the wave channels (tubes) enters the ears of the doctor.
In this case, there is no air flow in tubes, and there are only fluctuations of the air molecules (wave) that transmits power of the heart.
The larger the diaphragm, the greater the amplitude of the sound wave (sound is louder).
b) In order to do useful work (power consumption) the pyramid must move.
This does not mean that it should crawl across the Sahara Desert, it is enough that it will shake (vibrate) on the spot with very small amplitude.
As mentioned above, a force is said to do work when it acts on a body, and there is a displacement of the point of application in the direction of the force.
A = F * S (A- work, F- force, S- path.)
If the body does not move, then S = 0 hence A = F * 0 = 0 and there is no useful work and no power consumed, so power is the work done per unit of time.
If the body is moving at the speed of flow, F = 0 because there is nothing to push the body (it flies in the flow without friction), and hence A = 0 * S = 0. Again, there is no power consumption.
Hence it becomes clear that the power is consumed only when the body moves at a slower speed than the speed of flow.
It is not difficult to calculate that the maximum power will be consumed at a rate of movement of the body in the one third of flow rate.
For all other rates there will be less power. In this way we determined the maximum power of the Pyramid of Khufu (see above).
For example, a wind blows on windmill when windmill sails are blocked. So, Work = 0; Power = 0 (millstones are not rotating).
If we lose the sails but the millstones driving gear is disconnected, sails will start rotating up to the speed flow. Work = 0; Power = 0 (millstones are not rotating).
When millstones driving gear is connected, sails rotate slower, but millstones start rotating. Thus we will have Work and Power.
Now we have to choose such a millstones (load) with which the sails will rotate with 1/3 of maximum speed.
After that, work of the windmill will be most effective.
But for all that windmill itself will not move.
We may describe process of starting of SCIROCCO oscillator on familiar to us example of internal combustion engine:
More simply this process can be represented as the starting engine operation of a car.
The internal structure of the pyramid is the starter and ignition system of a car engine. The pyramid is an engine itself.
To make the engine work independently, we must spin it up by the starter.
As soon as the engine starts, it will process the compressed air flow, created by the combustion of gas mixture of fuel and air, in a variable rotational energy.
At that the ignition system will only control the engine speed.
The engine itself is broadband (operating at different frequencies) amplifier with positive feedback (generator, ignition system, etc.)
Ignition system spends on its work very little energy.
The engine produces enough energy to consume it by itself (and keep operate) and move a car.
So, the internal combustion engine is a very good example of oscillator operating on compressed air flow.
Except for the pyramid doesn’t need any fuel. It already has energy in the form of constantly blowing Sirocco wind.
3.3. Coriolis amplifier. Orientation of the transmitter. The directional diagram of antenna radiation.
Pyramid must be precisely oriented to cardinal directions.
Correct orientation of the pyramid allow to:
- Redouble the usable power of wave signal due to the Coriolis force.
- Make an infrasound radiation of the pyramid omnidirectional (i.e. in all directions.)
Coriolis force.
Coriolis force occurs when an object is moved over the surface of a rotating body.
Relocatable object must have mass and friction force, by which it bounded up with the rotating body.
Figure 9. The emergence of the Coriolis force when an object is moving from point 1 to point 2.
If the subject is on constantly rotating body, than it has the instantaneous
velocity of V0 = 2 * 3.14 * R0 / T.
If we begin to move an object away from the axis of rotation, than its instantaneous velocity will start to increase V1 = 2 * 3.14 * R1 / T, since R1> R0.
Changing of the velocity is acceleration, and thus the object will be under action of force, which called Coriolis force.
Intuitively obvious, that the rapidly rotating body will push a slow object due to friction force.
The object will accelerate, accumulating of kinetic energy received from the rotating body.
In the opposite case, if the object begins to approach the axis of rotation, the Coriolis force will slow it down due to vector force is changing to the opposite direction.
The object will transfer own kinetic energy to the rotating body, speeding up its rotation.
Coriolis force is widely used in modern technology:
- Coriolis flow meters, mass flow meters - the main means of measuring the flow of gas and oil.
- Coriolis speed regulators of internal combustion engines.
People have long used the Coriolis force in the dances.
Dancers use to rotate with widely spaced hands, and then pressed their hands to the body, causing the Coriolis force to increase velocity of the body rotating.
Coriolis force in pyramidal transmitters.
The pyramid has to have tetrahedral shape and be precisely oriented to cardinal directions.
There are two perpendicular planes of shaking in pyramid which are directed through the opposite facets.
The edges of the pyramid hinder to shake in other directions.
Acoustic vibrator under the pyramid is the dipole vibrator which has a directional pattern of figure-of-eight.
That is, the wave energy from such a vibrator radiates in propagation medium perpendicularly to its plane and doesn’t extend along the vibrator.
Perpendicular plane of this vibrator (full-wave dipole) points from south to north.
Acoustic wave energy, created by wind, shakes pyramid by the vibrator from south to north.
The distance to the axis of the planet changes as a result of this movement which gives rise to the Coriolis force, which in turn shakes the pyramid from east to west.
At that this is done by the energy of the rotating planet.
Now if you look at the pyramid from above, its top will make a circular motion clockwise.
Movement of the pyramid to the north causes Coriolis force directed to the east.
Movement of the pyramid to the south causes Coriolis force directed to the west.
As a result the infrasound wave will propagate in a circular motion in all directions.
If we begin to move an object away from the axis of rotation, than its instantaneous velocity will start to increase V1 = 2 * 3.14 * R1 / T, since R1> R0.
Changing of the velocity is acceleration, and thus the object will be under action of force, which called Coriolis force.
Intuitively obvious, that the rapidly rotating body will push a slow object due to friction force.
The object will accelerate, accumulating of kinetic energy received from the rotating body.
In the opposite case, if the object begins to approach the axis of rotation, the Coriolis force will slow it down due to vector force is changing to the opposite direction.
The object will transfer own kinetic energy to the rotating body, speeding up its rotation.
Coriolis force is widely used in modern technology:
- Coriolis flow meters, mass flow meters - the main means of measuring the flow of gas and oil.
- Coriolis speed regulators of internal combustion engines.
People have long used the Coriolis force in the dances.
Dancers use to rotate with widely spaced hands, and then pressed their hands to the body, causing the Coriolis force to increase velocity of the body rotating.
Coriolis force in pyramidal transmitters.
The pyramid has to have tetrahedral shape and be precisely oriented to cardinal directions.
There are two perpendicular planes of shaking in pyramid which are directed through the opposite facets.
The edges of the pyramid hinder to shake in other directions.
Acoustic vibrator under the pyramid is the dipole vibrator which has a directional pattern of figure-of-eight.
That is, the wave energy from such a vibrator radiates in propagation medium perpendicularly to its plane and doesn’t extend along the vibrator.
Perpendicular plane of this vibrator (full-wave dipole) points from south to north.
Acoustic wave energy, created by wind, shakes pyramid by the vibrator from south to north.
The distance to the axis of the planet changes as a result of this movement which gives rise to the Coriolis force, which in turn shakes the pyramid from east to west.
At that this is done by the energy of the rotating planet.
Now if you look at the pyramid from above, its top will make a circular motion clockwise.
Movement of the pyramid to the north causes Coriolis force directed to the east.
Movement of the pyramid to the south causes Coriolis force directed to the west.
As a result the infrasound wave will propagate in a circular motion in all directions.
An estimation of the power produced by the Coriolis force.
Let’s derive a formula for calculating the maximum power consumption of the energy produced by the Coriolis force for the vibrating object on the spherical surface of the rotating body.
The object moves to the pole (from point 1 to point 2 on the surface of the sphere) for a time equal to half of the period of infrasound wave (12.25 Hz) i.e. t = 0.5/12.25 = 0.04 seconds.
To simplify the calculations, we assume the shape of the planet as a sphere.
Let’s calculate the power for the movement of the object from point 1 to point 2.
The kinetic energy at point 1 and 2:
E1 = m*V12/2
E2 = m*V22/2
m - mass of the pyramid;
V1, V2 - instantaneous velocity at points 1 and 2.
Velocity of movement on a surface of a sphere:
V1 = 2*p*R1/T
V2 = 2*p*(R1 + L)/T,
T = 24*60*60 = 86400 s, the rotation period of the planet;
R1 - radius of the trajectory for point 1;
L = (R2-R1) - a difference of distances to the axis of the planet between points 1 and 2;
p = 3.14, pi (π).
Work done by the Coriolis force:
A = E2-E1 = m/2*V22 - m/2*V12 = m/2*((2*p*(R1 + L)/T)2 - (2*p*R1/T)2)
A = m/2*4*p2/T2*(R12 + 2*R1*L + L2-R12)
A = 2.64*10-9*m*(2*R1*L + L2)
For round-off value we rejected a small part of L2:
A = 5.28*10-9*m*R1*L
Let us calculate power as the work done per unit of time for the vibration frequency of 12.25 Hz:
P = A/t = A/0.04 = 1.32*10-7*m*R1*L
t - time for which motion is committed, t = 1/2/12.25 = 0.04 s, half the period for the oscillation frequency of 12.25 Hz.
Let’s calculate this formula for the planet taking into consideration the effect of latitude:
L = sin(a)*S - dependence of the distance difference to the axis between points 1 and 2 from the latitude at this point.
L = (R2-R1) - a difference of distances from the axis of the planet between points 1 and 2;
A - degree of latitude;
S - path on the surface of the sphere between points 1 and 2 in the direction to the pole.
Here is a formula for calculating of maximum possible power of the body under the effect of the Coriolis force, under frequency of vibration (motion) of the body at 12.25 Hz:
P = 1.32*10-7*m*R*sin(a)*S.
m - mass of the pyramidal oscillator;
R - distance to the axis of the planet;
a - geographical latitude;
S - amplitude of vibration in the North-South direction.
When it is considered that R = REarth*cos(a) = 6366197*cos(a) (i.e. the radius at that point depends on the latitude) the formula becomes:
P = 0,84*m*cos(a)*sin(a)*S = 0,84*m*sin(2*a)/2 = 0.42*m*sin(2*a)*S.
The final formula of a maximum power consumption created by the Coriolis force, by the object vibrating at 12.25 Hz on the surface of a rotating sphere having a radius of 6366197 meters, with the period of rotation T = 86400 seconds, looks as:
m - mass of the pyramid body;
a – degree of latitude;
S – path, traversed by the body in the direction of the poles during the time of 0.04 seconds (1/2 period of the sound wave of frequency 12.25 Hz.)
Thus, the power generated by the Coriolis force depends on mass, latitude, and the amplitude of the oscillation.
For example, when the pyramid of Khufu vibrates at 12.25 Hz frequency with amplitude of 1 mm, the maximum power created by the Coriolis force will be equal to:
Thus, because of properly orienting of the pyramid to the cardinal directions, you can redouble the power of the oscillator and ensure omnidirectional diagram of radiation.
Latitude of 45° is the most advantageous position of the pyramidal infrasound oscillator SCIROCCO because sin (2 * 45) = 1.
Location requirements:
- presence of monolithic rocks under the base of the pyramidal oscillator;
- presence of continuously blowing winds (wind direction does not matter).
Requirements for the pyramidal oscillator:
- pyramidal shape (man-made or natural);
- rocky vibrator under the pyramid;
- the internal structure;
- maximum possible weight is preferable;
- the accurate orientation of the faces to the cardinal directions is preferable.
Conclusion: to create infrasound generator SCIROCCO you can use almost any natural pyramid-shaped mountain.
E1 = m*V12/2
E2 = m*V22/2
m - mass of the pyramid;
V1, V2 - instantaneous velocity at points 1 and 2.
Velocity of movement on a surface of a sphere:
V1 = 2*p*R1/T
V2 = 2*p*(R1 + L)/T,
T = 24*60*60 = 86400 s, the rotation period of the planet;
R1 - radius of the trajectory for point 1;
L = (R2-R1) - a difference of distances to the axis of the planet between points 1 and 2;
p = 3.14, pi (π).
Work done by the Coriolis force:
A = E2-E1 = m/2*V22 - m/2*V12 = m/2*((2*p*(R1 + L)/T)2 - (2*p*R1/T)2)
A = m/2*4*p2/T2*(R12 + 2*R1*L + L2-R12)
A = 2.64*10-9*m*(2*R1*L + L2)
For round-off value we rejected a small part of L2:
A = 5.28*10-9*m*R1*L
Let us calculate power as the work done per unit of time for the vibration frequency of 12.25 Hz:
P = A/t = A/0.04 = 1.32*10-7*m*R1*L
t - time for which motion is committed, t = 1/2/12.25 = 0.04 s, half the period for the oscillation frequency of 12.25 Hz.
Let’s calculate this formula for the planet taking into consideration the effect of latitude:
L = sin(a)*S - dependence of the distance difference to the axis between points 1 and 2 from the latitude at this point.
L = (R2-R1) - a difference of distances from the axis of the planet between points 1 and 2;
A - degree of latitude;
S - path on the surface of the sphere between points 1 and 2 in the direction to the pole.
Here is a formula for calculating of maximum possible power of the body under the effect of the Coriolis force, under frequency of vibration (motion) of the body at 12.25 Hz:
P = 1.32*10-7*m*R*sin(a)*S.
m - mass of the pyramidal oscillator;
R - distance to the axis of the planet;
a - geographical latitude;
S - amplitude of vibration in the North-South direction.
When it is considered that R = REarth*cos(a) = 6366197*cos(a) (i.e. the radius at that point depends on the latitude) the formula becomes:
P = 0,84*m*cos(a)*sin(a)*S = 0,84*m*sin(2*a)/2 = 0.42*m*sin(2*a)*S.
The final formula of a maximum power consumption created by the Coriolis force, by the object vibrating at 12.25 Hz on the surface of a rotating sphere having a radius of 6366197 meters, with the period of rotation T = 86400 seconds, looks as:
P = 0.42*m*sin(2*a)*S.
m - mass of the pyramid body;
a – degree of latitude;
S – path, traversed by the body in the direction of the poles during the time of 0.04 seconds (1/2 period of the sound wave of frequency 12.25 Hz.)
Thus, the power generated by the Coriolis force depends on mass, latitude, and the amplitude of the oscillation.
For example, when the pyramid of Khufu vibrates at 12.25 Hz frequency with amplitude of 1 mm, the maximum power created by the Coriolis force will be equal to:
P = 0.42*6.5*109*sin(2*30)*10-3 = 2,364,249 watt = 2.4 MW
Thus, because of properly orienting of the pyramid to the cardinal directions, you can redouble the power of the oscillator and ensure omnidirectional diagram of radiation.
Latitude of 45° is the most advantageous position of the pyramidal infrasound oscillator SCIROCCO because sin (2 * 45) = 1.
3.4. Choosing location of the transmitter with the SCIROCCO oscillator.
Location requirements:
- presence of monolithic rocks under the base of the pyramidal oscillator;
- presence of continuously blowing winds (wind direction does not matter).
Requirements for the pyramidal oscillator:
- pyramidal shape (man-made or natural);
- rocky vibrator under the pyramid;
- the internal structure;
- maximum possible weight is preferable;
- the accurate orientation of the faces to the cardinal directions is preferable.
Conclusion: to create infrasound generator SCIROCCO you can use almost any natural pyramid-shaped mountain.
4. Vibroacoustic infrasound oscillators on the Giza plateau.
4.1. Background.
These technical facilities have been constructed on a monolithic Giza plateau in the age of the pyramids.
The main purpose of these structures is generation of infrasound wave energy.
Interface is a description of method for transmitting the energy in the propagation medium between objects.
Interface should describe the generation, transmission and reception of energy in the propagation medium.
Information is the characteristic of changing energy.
Therefore, one way to use of such infrasound interface was global (planetary) communication system.
Essentially this is an analogue of "Zeus" (Russia) and "Seafarer" (USA) systems, but with better performance.
This is due to a shorter wavelength at the same frequencies (due to the difference of velocity of the electromagnetic and acoustic waves).
Therefore vibrator in an acoustic medium can be smaller, and of the same size with wavelength it will be more effective.
These are technical, pragmatic (no decorations), and expensive facilities.
4.2. Three models of vibroacoustic infrasound oscillators.
Today, there are three oscillators on the Giza plateau which represent vibroacoustic infrasound oscillator SCIROCCO.
All of them operate on the general principle and designed to create infrasonic wave in soil, air and water.
Oscillators were built at different times and are of the same series with some modifications.
An order of construction of the oscillators:
1. Pyramid of Khafre.
2. Pyramid of Khufu.
3. Pyramid of Menkaure.
Figure 10. Scheme of the internal structure of the pyramids of Chephren, Khufu (Cheops), and Menkaure.
Pyramid of Khafre.
It is the simplest oscillator-transmitter of energy. Its functional diagram is shown in Fig. 4.
This oscillator-transmitter could generate the three frequencies.
It was intended to generate infrasound energy.
At the same time it has an opportunity to transmit an informational binary code.
Variants of usage of this energy we leave outside our discussion.
Figure 11. The underground part of the pyramid of Khafre.
The main structure of the transmitter was at first carved into the rock then the pyramid was build upon it.
There was only need to build positive feedback waveguides and feeder channels during the construction of the pyramid.
Note that the corner reflector is aimed to the waveguide.
![]() |
3d model of the pyramid of Khafre |
Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops).
This is an improved oscillator-transmitter for 7 (13) frequencies which is built in accordance with functional diagram shown in Figure 5.
It is able to simultaneously generate 7 (13) infrasound frequencies, which can be activated with a positive feedback switch.
The carrier frequency of the transmitter is 12.25 Hz with frequency modulation depth of ± 33%.
It incorporates two resonant chambers and an adder (modulator).
Six-frequency resonant chamber is located in the best energy position (center of the pyramid), which greatly complicated its construction compared with the pyramid of Khafre.
Complexity is caused by the fact that the entire structure of the oscillator has been built during the construction of the pyramid while main part of the pyramid of Khafre internal structure was carved in the rock plateau before it was built.
This is an improved oscillator-transmitter for 7 (13) frequencies which is built in accordance with functional diagram shown in Figure 5.
It is able to simultaneously generate 7 (13) infrasound frequencies, which can be activated with a positive feedback switch.
The carrier frequency of the transmitter is 12.25 Hz with frequency modulation depth of ± 33%.
It incorporates two resonant chambers and an adder (modulator).
Six-frequency resonant chamber is located in the best energy position (center of the pyramid), which greatly complicated its construction compared with the pyramid of Khafre.
Complexity is caused by the fact that the entire structure of the oscillator has been built during the construction of the pyramid while main part of the pyramid of Khafre internal structure was carved in the rock plateau before it was built.
Below we will examine its structure more detailed.
![]() |
Internal structure of the pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) |
![]() |
3d model of the pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) |
Pyramid of Menkaure.
It is the third and the most complicated power transmitter with 7 (13) tone frequencies.
The main part of its structure was carved into the rock before laying the pyramid, so some energy conversion efficiency was lost.
Obviously, the difficulties faced by the builders of the pyramid of Cheops, were in their memory.
After the construction of the pyramid, the power of transmitter is clearly turned out to be not enough, so the pyramid size was increased twice.
And because of this they had to build a new positive feedback waveguide (now there are two positive feedback waveguide inside the pyramid (see Figure 10).
It is the third and the most complicated power transmitter with 7 (13) tone frequencies.
The main part of its structure was carved into the rock before laying the pyramid, so some energy conversion efficiency was lost.
Obviously, the difficulties faced by the builders of the pyramid of Cheops, were in their memory.
After the construction of the pyramid, the power of transmitter is clearly turned out to be not enough, so the pyramid size was increased twice.
And because of this they had to build a new positive feedback waveguide (now there are two positive feedback waveguide inside the pyramid (see Figure 10).
![]() |
Internal structure of the pyramid of Menkaure |
![]() |
3d model and detailed internal structure of the pyramid of Menkaure |
Figure 12. The underground part of the pyramid of Menkaure.
This ingenious construction, I could not imagine that the ancient people had such level of knowledge in the wave theory of energy transfer.
Only specialists in radio engineering can understand how this structure works.
First of all, we see the controlled oscillator for 6 frequencies.
By mixing this signal with the carrier frequency there can be obtained 7 (13) of infrasound frequencies.
Second, just look how elegant the frequency mixer is (unlike Khufu’s) and what the joints of wave devices!
There is nothing could explain shape of these joints but practical experience in wave devices construction only.
Third, here was applied a negative feedback to stabilize the amplifier.
Fourth, here was applied the delay device - it delays the signal propagation in the positive feedback loop at a predetermined time.
For this purpose in the positive feedback waveguide of the pyramid of Khufu the granite plugs were installed (which in result blocked the ways for builders).
But here ways are free and signal delay is controlled by a pattern on a wall of the chamber (stripline delay).
This is the only place in the pyramids where there is a pattern (decoration as it was believed). In fact it is a real sound stripline delay.
Modern stripline delay consists of a set of parallel lines deposited on a ceramic plate. You can change the passage of sound through the plate by moving the lines apart.
Similar audio delay striplines are used in modern TV-transmitters and receivers.
We may say that knowledge of those who did it is equal to our knowledge in electronics.
Figure 13. Pattern of stripline delay in the pyramid of Menkaure.
4.3. Vibroacoustic infrasound oscillator of the Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops).
Let’s consider in more detail one of three transmitters of energy from the Giza plateau – the Pyramid of Khufu.
The specifications of SCIROCCO oscillator-transmitter of the pyramid of Khufu:
- transmitter weight : 6.25 *109 kg
- dimensions: 230 m by 230 m by 146 m
- transmitter power created by wind: 2 MW (at wind speed of 10 m/s)
- transmitter power created by the Coriolis force: 2 MW (at wind speed of 10 m/s)
- total transmitter power: 4 MW
- carrier frequency: 12.25 Hz
- modulation depth : 12.25 ± 33% Hz
- wavelength for carrier frequency (and speed of sound wave) in propagation mediums: 28 m (in air 343 m/ s), 498 (in marble 6100 m/s), 368 m (in concrete 4500 m/s), 314 m (in granite 3850 m/s), 294 m (in brick 3600 m/s)
- resonant frequency of stone resonator (closed/opened): 196/98 Hz
- set of frequencies, option 1 (7 frequencies) 9.2-10.3-10.9-12.25-13.75-15.4-16.35 Hz
- set of frequencies, option 2 (13 frequencies) 9.2-9.75-10.3-10.6-10.9-11.525-12.25-13-13.75-14.575-15.4-15.875-16.35 Hz
- source of energy: wind flow (constantly blowing southern wind "Scirocco").
Figure 14. Diagram of the pyramid of Khufu.
On the Diagram numerals indicate:
1 – Positive feedback switch; the transmitter was controlled from here (Main Entrance)
2 - The Robbers' Tunnel dug by people of Caliph al-Ma'mun in 831.
3 - Place of positive feedback signal tapping with three granite plugs (lenses), established to reduce time of signal delay in the positive feedback loop.
4 - The waveguide to a vibrator (Descending Passage).
5 - Vibrator tuned on half a 12.25 Hz frequency wavelength 28/2 = 14 m (Subterranean Chamber).
6 - The waveguide after the frequency mixer is a part of the positive feedback loop (Ascending Passage).
7 – Six-resonant chamber with feeder channels (Queen’s Chamber).
8 - The waveguide to the frequency mixer (Horizontal Tunnel).
9 – Frequency Mixer (Great Gallery).
10 – Chamber of resonant amplifier with feeder channels (King’s Chamber)
11 - Matching device (Antechamber).
12 - Evacuation shaft. The shaft had been dug after the construction of the pyramid, and used to bypass granite lenses.
13 - Granite plates of pyramid facing (now are absent).
The structure shows that the builders could not foresee everything.
Time delay in a positive feedback loop was very large and they had to adjust it by inserting of granite plugs (3) in the waveguide (6).
Totally they insert there three plugs, the first is longest, last is shortest.
Infrasound moves through granite plugs 15 times faster than in air. So, these plugs reduce time of signal delay.
Before inserting of plugs they had to dig vertical passage (12, evacuation shaft) in the already built pyramid, so that you can get to the resonators (7 and 10).
Figure 15. 3d model of the Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) internal structure.
4.3.1. Positive feedback switch.
Positive feedback switch is designed to enable the transmitter (pyramid starting) by closure of the positive feedback loop of infrasound oscillator.
Perhaps there also were some modulating devices of tone frequencies which define a set of transmission frequencies.
There are large holes of axis rotating mechanism can be seen on the walls at the entrance of the tunnel; the mechanism itself has not been found.
Figure 16. One of the holes of the rotary mechanism.
Figure 17. One of the versions of rotary mechanism diagram.
Figure 18. The platform in front of the positive feedback switch, from here the infrasound transmitter was controlled.
Here is the only inscription made in the Great Pyramid by its builders – on the comb above the Main Entrance.
Figure 19. Inscription above the comb.
An interesting detail: there is an article in the Web: "Resonance in Paleo-Sanskrit Inscriptions on the Great Pyramid" which says that these characters in fact are the inscription written on Sanskrit. The phrase was deciphered by Prof. Kurt Schildmann (1915-2005) as vi Sani raua ra Yoni - its translation means literally: "From masculine force, thundering, granting feminine". The interpretation of this phrase is that the infrasound (thunder) converts one basic principle (energy) into another: "Yang" into the "Yin", for example, if we consider the matter in terms of human bioenergetics. The article says that the pyramids of Giza plateau purposefully focused infrasound vibrations of the Earth for the "…global infrasonic synchronization of the collective human consciousness, thereby endowing feminine forces".
Figure 20. Image of the comb.
Figure 21. The comb itself is very similar to protruding part of the large gear.
The large block of stone in front of the comb is broken.
Probably there was a switching mechanism of the pyramid to different tone frequencies.
We do not know how the mechanism looked like.
We can only assume that it controlled the passage of infrasound in the feedback loop of the oscillator.
From this site information was inputted into the transmitter in the form of successive switchable sets of the tone sounds, or “some kind of music”.
The pyramid of Khufu was able to simultaneously generate of 13 different frequencies: 9.2 - 9.75 - 10.3 - 10.6 - 10.9 - 11.525 - 12.25 - 13 - 13.75 - 14.575 - 15.4 - 15.875 - 16.35 Hz
4.3.2. The tunnel dug by Al-Ma'mun burglars in 831.
Burglars of the pyramid when stumbled on granite plugs just dug a tunnel in the soft limestone along them.
Burglars of the pyramid when stumbled on granite plugs just dug a tunnel in the soft limestone along them.
4.3.3. Place of tap of positive feedback signal with three granite plugs.
At this place, some of the sound wave energy was taken to go back to the resonant chamber of oscillator.
The main control of oscillator frequencies was done by changing of the time of passage of the waves in the feedback channel.
Figure 22. Place of
waveguides branching and the view on the granite lens (plug).
All granite facing of walls was destroyed by robbers during the expansion of the passageway.
But perfectly polished and smooth granite surface of the lens is clearly visible.
As I said before, granite lenses (plugs) reduce time of wave passing from the oscillator back to the input.
To keep the oscillator running, time of wave passing should be multiple to the wave period.
Similarly, to rock the swing, you need to push it multiply to its swinging (period).
Further down behind bars, granite waveguide comes to the vibrator.
The burglar’s passage starts behind and to the right of this point and goes around the granite plugs from the right.
4.3.4. Waveguide to vibrator.
Waveguide, leading to the vibrator, is designed to transfer energy of excitation to the rocky vibrator (at the Phase 1 – excitation of the oscillator.)
After excitation of the oscillator, the main stream of infrasound energy will be transmitted by the vibration of the pyramid, directly from the body of the pyramid to the rock.
This waveguide will transfer only part of energy needed to maintain frequency of oscillation.
Waveguide, leading to the vibrator, is designed to transfer energy of excitation to the rocky vibrator (at the Phase 1 – excitation of the oscillator.)
After excitation of the oscillator, the main stream of infrasound energy will be transmitted by the vibration of the pyramid, directly from the body of the pyramid to the rock.
This waveguide will transfer only part of energy needed to maintain frequency of oscillation.
Figure 23. Granite waveguide to the vibrator.
Granite waveguide of very high quality leads us down to the vibrator. Infrasound energy was transmitted by it to excite the resonant rocky vibrator.
Framework stones of the waveguide.
Waveguide passes through several monolithic framework stones.
The framework stone appears as a stone frame carved from a single piece of granite, basalt or other stone.
Figure 24. Framework stone.
Framework stones do not serve to support the waveguide; they freely enfold it.
We are very fortunate with finding of their presence because it lets us make wonderful unambiguous conclusions.
A little bit of the wave theory about the evolution of electrical informational signal:
1. Initially, the information signal was transmitted simply by converting the information into electrical wave (amplitude modulation): telegraph, telephone.
2. Then were realized that it’s a good idea to use wave of carrier frequency and just slightly change its frequency (frequency modulation): radio.
3. Finally (now), we use frequency-modulated synchronized data signals (data burst/framing/scanning): TV, mobile telephony, computer network.
Nowadays, transmitted information is divided into parts: data burst, frames etc.
Frames are scanned into lines, it called line scanning.
Lines combined into serial data string.
It is obligatory to add to this data string some clock signals (sync) which divide lines, frames or data burst.
Data string with clock signals (sync) is to be transmitted via serial line.
The receiver does a reverse conversion:
- Marks out clock signals (sync) to determine lines;
- Restores frames filling it with information lines.
For proper work, the receiver must be able to allocate clock signals (sync) from received data and has a memory of at least for the length of the data string.
As a memory, in analog TV receivers were used ultrasound strip delay lines for time of length of the string.
Binary digital receivers use memory (RAM) on silicon integrated circuits.
Frames are scanned into lines, it called line scanning.
Lines combined into serial data string.
It is obligatory to add to this data string some clock signals (sync) which divide lines, frames or data burst.
Data string with clock signals (sync) is to be transmitted via serial line.
The receiver does a reverse conversion:
- Marks out clock signals (sync) to determine lines;
- Restores frames filling it with information lines.
For proper work, the receiver must be able to allocate clock signals (sync) from received data and has a memory of at least for the length of the data string.
As a memory, in analog TV receivers were used ultrasound strip delay lines for time of length of the string.
Binary digital receivers use memory (RAM) on silicon integrated circuits.
Amplifiers and modulators always form parasitic signal (noise) of high frequency while working.
Practically, it does not prevent work of transmitter and does not affect the shape of the signal.
This noise was ignored for a long time.
For example, you are hearing some “whistle-hiss” when communicate by FM-radio but still able to perceive information.
The situation is changing dramatically when you trying to use clock signals (sync).
It is obligatory for clock signals to maintain a very accurate distance between clock edges (rising and falling edges), the form of the signal is not so important.
High-frequency interference (noise) causes chattering of signals fronts.
As a result, in the television frame straight vertical line turns into a zigzag; image covers by moire due to lines are “dancing” relatively to each other.
Solution for this problem was found by using of ferrite rings and cylinders, which were put on the waveguide (wire).
Figure 25. Photograph of ferrite ring.
Ferrite ring is good conductor for signal of high frequency. They used as inductors to form a passive low-pass filter.
While moving by waveguide, high-frequency (HF) parasitic signal is captured by ferrite ring and circulated there until completely transformed its wave energy into heat.
The only task for an engineer is to calculate parameters of ferrite ring to ensure capturing of parasitic signal but not an informational signal.
Figure 26. Photograph of ferrite bead (set of ferrite rings) on an informational cable.
Why am I telling this?
Because when I see a cable with the ferrite bead I can definitely say that it conducts a complex composite signal containing clock pulses – sync.
If not, there is no need for such low-pass filter.
Look at the monitor cable, USB cable, etc.
Figure 27. How modern cables (signal channels) which use clock signals (sync) are looks like.
So, here cannot do without the framework of ferrites stones.
There is a clear conclusion: Pyramid of Khufu used synchronized data signal.
So, transmitted by Pyramid of Khufu information consisted frames and scan lines, which let to broadcast both video and digital information.
4.3.5. Vibrator (antenna).
Rocky vibrator is designed to create infrasound field in the rock body under the pyramid.
Due to positive feedback pyramid begins to resonate with the infrasound field, created in the rock.
Pyramid gradually begins to increase the amplitude vibrations due to resonance and strength of the wind flow.
This process will get to maximum efficiency, when the vibration speed of the walls of the pyramid will be equal to 1/3 the speed of the wind flow.
In this case the oscillator will output the maximum power of infrasound wave at a given wind strength.
Figure 28. Vibrator (Subterranean Chamber).
Length of the longest side of the chamber is maintained very precisely and is 14
m, which corresponds to half the wavelength of sound in air at frequency of
12.25 Hz.
The speed of sound in air in all of my calculations is 343 m/s (+20° C).
To ensure this size (14 m) end walls are made parallel to each other with very high processing accuracy.
Other dimensions do not play a big role in the vibrators.
Horizontal and vertical shafts of this camera are similar to the directors used in radio antenna.
They improve the directivity pattern of a vibrator in a predetermined plane.
By investigation of size of vibrators (length of its longest side), we can easily determine the carrier frequency of pyramidal oscillators.
Availability of vibrators under the pyramid (mountain) is obligatory for controlled oscillators.
Therefore, the presence of the vibrator is one of the main qualifying signs of infrasound transmitters created on the base of pyramidal oscillators.
The speed of sound in air in all of my calculations is 343 m/s (+20° C).
To ensure this size (14 m) end walls are made parallel to each other with very high processing accuracy.
Other dimensions do not play a big role in the vibrators.
Horizontal and vertical shafts of this camera are similar to the directors used in radio antenna.
They improve the directivity pattern of a vibrator in a predetermined plane.
By investigation of size of vibrators (length of its longest side), we can easily determine the carrier frequency of pyramidal oscillators.
Availability of vibrators under the pyramid (mountain) is obligatory for controlled oscillators.
Therefore, the presence of the vibrator is one of the main qualifying signs of infrasound transmitters created on the base of pyramidal oscillators.
Vibrator appears as a parallel closed air resonator, self-resonant
frequency of which is determined by the formula:
F=V/2d=343/(2*14)=12.25 Hz,
V - m/s, the speed of sound in air at a temperature of +20° C.
F=V/2d=343/(2*14)=12.25 Hz,
V - m/s, the speed of sound in air at a temperature of +20° C.
d - m, the distance between the distant parallel walls.
That is, the incoming in vibrator sound wave reflects from the opposite
wall and returns to the starting point with delay of wavelength.
Calculation of the resonant frequency of the vibrator according to another method:
f - resonant frequency for a standing wave formation
c - speed of sound in air
Nx, Ny and Nz - integers
Lx, Ly and Lz - are, respectively, the length, width and height of the chamber.
4.3.6. Waveguide after frequency mixer is a part of the positive feedback loop.
“Ascending Passage” waveguide is designated for adjusting time of infrasound signal delay which goes to the positive feedback channel and rocky vibrator.
Also this waveguide is designated for matching of frequency mixer and waveguide tapper.
Figure 29. Waveguide from frequency mixer.
This granite waveguide was badly damaged by burglars; almost all granite facing was broken down in search of secret passages.
This waveguide ends with three granite lenses that builders installed after the construction of the pyramid.
With these lenses, they set the desired delay time in a positive feedback loop.
4.3.7. Six-frequency resonant chamber (Queen’s Chamber.)
Actually, the Queen’s Chamber is controlled infrasound resonator for six frequencies.
It is located in the geometric center of the pyramid, which makes it very efficient in converting energy which pyramid receives from wind flow.
The chamber is powered by variable energy potential, produced by resonant amplifier (infrasound energy).
Therefore, its feeder channels (shafts) were plugged by granite lenses through which infrasound passes better than through air.
Phase of infrasound waves coming through feeder channels is adjusted by thickness of granite plugs.
Inputs to these channels were discovered by knocking and subsequently opened.
Figure 30. Resonant chamber for six frequencies (six-mode resonator).
Actually, the Queen’s Chamber is controlled infrasound resonator for six frequencies.
It is located in the geometric center of the pyramid, which makes it very efficient in converting energy which pyramid receives from wind flow.
The chamber is powered by variable energy potential, produced by resonant amplifier (infrasound energy).
Therefore, its feeder channels (shafts) were plugged by granite lenses through which infrasound passes better than through air.
Phase of infrasound waves coming through feeder channels is adjusted by thickness of granite plugs.
Inputs to these channels were discovered by knocking and subsequently opened.
Figure 30. Resonant chamber for six frequencies (six-mode resonator).
The chamber has stepped niche that allows the resonator to operate at multiple frequencies.
At length the chamber has five resonances (5 rectangles), plus one resonance by width.
For these dimensions we have identified a set of six modulating frequencies.
Seventh central frequency (carrier) of 12.25 Hz is produced by the resonant amplifier using resonator (sarcophagus).
The carrier frequency is always present in the tone set of frequencies transmitted by the pyramid.
From these frequencies and the carrier frequency in Frequency Mixer is produced following set of tone frequencies: 9.2 - 10.3 - 10.9 - 12.25 - 13.75 - 15.4 - 16.35 Hz.
Obtained by this way frequencies are supplied to the subterranean vibrator.
Figure 31. Drawing of six-mode resonant chamber.
Behind the granite cladding of this chamber, researchers have found niches which were filled with special sand.
This is quartz sand with high acoustic properties.
Analysis of the sand showed that it was not a local and was specially imported here; despite on fact that in this area is more than enough sand.
All the grains of this sand have the same size with high accuracy; it is still one of the mysteries of the pyramid.
The feeder channels are arranged here similarly to the resonant amplifier, on the level of approximately 1 m from the floor (at the height of the upper wall of the waveguide).
Feeder channels end with stone doors (plugs) with two bronze handles.
These doors were photographed by remote-controlled robots running in channels in 2002 and 2011.
Figure 32. Doors (plugs) in feeder channels of six-resonant chamber.
Since the doors cannot prevent passing of wave energy (of variable potential) their task is likely separation of AC and DC energy potentials.
Behind these doors are probably located common energy channels of the transmitter.
How to use these doors and handles is unclear.
Most likely, there are some areas at the reverse side from which these doors can be accessed.
This chamber has generated a set of up to six frequencies.
Operating frequencies of the chamber had to be excited by turning on feedback signal for each frequency.
These signals were sent to the chamber by granite channels.
Possibly there used to be a switching mechanism at the site of the true entrance, which controlled feedback signals for production of six frequencies by this resonant chamber.
4.3.8. Waveguide to the frequency mixer (horizontal passage.)
Qualitative granite waveguide has at the beginning a matching device in the form of a step.
Its purpose is to transmit the carrier frequency to the mixer.
Figure 33. Waveguide to the frequency mixer, view from the side of the resonant chamber.
Qualitative granite waveguide has at the beginning a matching device in the form of a step.
Its purpose is to transmit the carrier frequency to the mixer.
Figure 33. Waveguide to the frequency mixer, view from the side of the resonant chamber.
4.3.9. Frequency Mixer (Great Gallery.)
It designed for octave (divisible by second exponent) lowering of the carrier frequency and combining of modulating frequencies into one tone set with the carrier frequency.
Mixer is very complicated part of the transmitter, which produce resulting output signal from the carrier and modulating frequencies.
This device has an adjustable phase-frequency characteristic (PFC) and reminds phased array.
For the length of the mixer there 27 pairs of holes are placed; they intended for the formation of the spatial phase-frequency characteristics.
This device allows you to change the shape of the PFC graph by 27 reference points.
Adjustment of the points was implemented by changing of the depth of holes.
For starting of the oscillator it’s necessary to power the vibrator by infrasound energy of frequency 12.25 Hz.
This is self-resonant frequency of the vibrator and the medium frequency of the pyramid.
The speed of sound for the brick (limestone) is 3600 m/s; if divide it by 12.25 Hz we obtain a wavelength of 294 m.
Half the wavelength is 147 m.
Layer having a side of 147 m is located approximately in the middle of the pyramid.
It resonates with the carrier frequency of 12.25 Hz due to the full path (from the wall to the opposite wall and back) of the sound wave will be 294 m.
Other layers are also matched with modulating frequencies of the oscillator.
Those layers located above and below the central layer which tuned to 12.25 Hz.
As you can see, the vibrator and the pyramid are perfectly matched....
This is self-resonant frequency of the vibrator and the medium frequency of the pyramid.
The speed of sound for the brick (limestone) is 3600 m/s; if divide it by 12.25 Hz we obtain a wavelength of 294 m.
Half the wavelength is 147 m.
Layer having a side of 147 m is located approximately in the middle of the pyramid.
It resonates with the carrier frequency of 12.25 Hz due to the full path (from the wall to the opposite wall and back) of the sound wave will be 294 m.
Other layers are also matched with modulating frequencies of the oscillator.
Those layers located above and below the central layer which tuned to 12.25 Hz.
As you can see, the vibrator and the pyramid are perfectly matched....
Opened sarcophagus (resonator or tuning-fork) has a self-resonant frequency of 98 Hz. (see
§ sarcophagus.)
If assuming that the sarcophagus was covered with a lid, then it would has self-resonant frequency of 196 Hz. (see § sarcophagus.)
Frequency ratio of 98/12.25 = 8 or 196/12.25 = 16.
That is, to get the frequency of 12.25 Hz, it is necessary to divide the frequency of the sarcophagus by 8 (23) or by 16 (24).
Such coincidences cannot be accidental.
We can divide the frequency with counters, divisible by exponent 2.
If the pyramid worked on the single frequency of 12.25 Hz, then you just had to divide the frequency, obtained from the King’s Chamber by 8 - and that’s all!
So, the Great Gallery is just a simple acoustic counter 23.
If assuming that the sarcophagus was covered with a lid, then it would has self-resonant frequency of 196 Hz. (see § sarcophagus.)
Frequency ratio of 98/12.25 = 8 or 196/12.25 = 16.
That is, to get the frequency of 12.25 Hz, it is necessary to divide the frequency of the sarcophagus by 8 (23) or by 16 (24).
Such coincidences cannot be accidental.
We can divide the frequency with counters, divisible by exponent 2.
If the pyramid worked on the single frequency of 12.25 Hz, then you just had to divide the frequency, obtained from the King’s Chamber by 8 - and that’s all!
So, the Great Gallery is just a simple acoustic counter 23.
But builders were not simpletons.
They have connected to the end of the Mixer (Great Gallery) the Resonator (Queen's Chamber) for six modulating frequencies.
That is, exit of the Gallery works also as a frequency mixer and bandpass filter.
Bandpass filter is represented by five pairs of lateral openings of different sizes, at the junction of the gallery and the waveguide from the Queen's Chamber.
Hence, it becomes absolutely clear that their goal was to get at the output 7 or 13 frequencies (6 or 6*2 plus 1 carrier frequency), depending on the filter bandwidth.
Figure 34. Frequency Mixer (Grand Gallery.)
Frequency Mixer is a seven-step longitudinal resonator.
Amount of ledges determined by the number of frequencies processed by the mixer.
Figure 35. Ceiling of the Frequency Mixer (prescaler.)
The mixer is entirely made of high quality granite.
At the lower end the mixer is connected to a waveguide (8) via matching device made in the form of horizontal niches and steps.
Figure 36. Mixer with a bandpass filter.
4.3.10. Resonant amplifier with feeder channels (King’s Chamber.)
It’s a hart of the oscillator.
With turning positive feedback on, the sarcophagus (resonator) begins to “sing” at the frequency of 196 Hz.
At the same time the chamber of resonant amplifier with director beams under the corner reflector begins to excite on divisible frequency.
Floor of the chamber is paved with granite slabs lying freely,
Chamber floor is paved with granite slabs lying freely on a large granite slab using flint stones (presumably!)
Slabs from all sides have a gap, and they also begin to “sing” at their own frequency.
Signal is amplified many times and focused by the corner reflector and directors.
“Director” in radio is a passive radiator placed before the reflector, which focuses and amplifies the signal reflected from the reflector, due to reradiation.
There are five signal amplifying layers of granite directors placed under the corner reflector of the resonant amplifier chamber.
Figure 37. Diagram of the resonant amplifier with resonator (sarcophagus.)
There is an adjusting pit in the floor of the chamber, which can change the resonance of the chamber due to changes in its volume.
Two feeder channels which enter to the chamber are encircling the Great Gallery (mixer) very neatly.
If channels were just for venting, no one would do like this.
Resonator (sarcophagus.)
Resonator sets the frequency of the pyramidal infrasound oscillator.
It is represented by a high-quality (narrowband) resonator.
The high-quality resonator is very important when you start the oscillator and maintain stability of frequency.
Therefore, to improve the quality factor, the builders have taken a number of exact measures described below.
Resonator must consist of two parts: massive stone lid and resonator box (sarcophagus).
Unfortunately lid of the resonator was stolen, but it does not matter, there are hundreds of sarcophagi with such lids buried in the mines around the pyramid.
Resonator is elevated above the floor, and put on the flint stones.
Silicon is a very hard material, so it does not prevent “singing” of the resonator.
Analysis of silicon showed that it is not from Africa; most likely it has been brought from Europe.
Figure 38. Granite resonator (sarcophagus.)
Unfortunately lid of the resonator was stolen, but it does not matter, there are hundreds of sarcophagi with such lids buried in the mines around the pyramid.
Resonator is elevated above the floor, and put on the flint stones.
Silicon is a very hard material, so it does not prevent “singing” of the resonator.
Analysis of silicon showed that it is not from Africa; most likely it has been brought from Europe.
Figure 38. Granite resonator (sarcophagus.)
Setting of stone resonators might be done in two ways (similar to modern crystal resonators):
- Installation of plates of more viscous material, which causes to decrease in frequency;
- Grinding the resonator off which causes to an increase in frequency.
It is most likely that pyramid builders cut off corner of the resonator during its tuning to a higher frequency.
Existence of three granite plugs in the positive feedback loop also shows a higher frequency setting than planned, so the positive feedback transmission time had been cut back.
Figure 38.1. Dimensions of the sarcophagus, sm.
Let's calculate the self-resonant frequency of the sarcophagus:
There are corner reflector and five layers of directors above the sarcophagus.
Therefore, the direction of the longitudinal sound wave is uniquely downward from the reflector.
Since sarcophagus is opened towards the longitudinal sound wave, its self-resonant frequency will be determined by the height of a column of air in it.
Resonance in this case will be at height of the air column equal to 1/4 wavelength of the sound.
F=V/4h=343/4/0.8743=98 Hz
Most likely the sarcophagus was covered by the lid.
Resonance in this case will be at distance between bottom and lid equal to 1/2 wavelength of the sound.
F=V/2h=343/2/0.8743=196 Hz
Calculation shows that frequency of the resonator is mysteriously divisible by exponent 2 to the resonance of the vibrator:
98/12.25=8 (23) или 196/12.25=16 (24)
Thus, frequency of the vibrator might be easily obtained with binary acoustic counter.
Resonator was placed into the chamber at the time of the pyramid construction, it is impossible to move it outside.
Despite it could be moved through the waveguide, there are some places where it would get stuck due to its dimensions.
There should be reserve resonator in the chamber or close to it; otherwise its grinding could end badly.
Hence, behind one of the walls or under the floor of the chamber should be a spare parts warehouse, since they can’t be brought from the outside.
Feeder channels.
Feeder channels are intended for the starting of the oscillator from very low-frequency waves, created by changes of wind pressure on the sides of the pyramid.
At a height of 1 m above the floor, at the level of the upper wall of the waveguide, the chamber is fed by positive and negative feeder waveguides.
These are opened granite channels (shafts) which go under granite facing of the pyramid from south (positive) and north (negative) sides.
Granite facing of the pyramid is the membrane that generates sound energy.
These channels have to be opened, because the oscillator is excited by variable wind potential, frequency of which is much less than 12.25 Hz.
Such low frequency cannot pass through granite.
After starting of the oscillator through these channels goes a sound wave with frequency of 12.25 Hz, which is produced by the vibration of the pyramid.
There are corner reflector and five layers of directors above the sarcophagus.
Therefore, the direction of the longitudinal sound wave is uniquely downward from the reflector.
Since sarcophagus is opened towards the longitudinal sound wave, its self-resonant frequency will be determined by the height of a column of air in it.
Resonance in this case will be at height of the air column equal to 1/4 wavelength of the sound.
F=V/4h=343/4/0.8743=98 Hz
Most likely the sarcophagus was covered by the lid.
Resonance in this case will be at distance between bottom and lid equal to 1/2 wavelength of the sound.
F=V/2h=343/2/0.8743=196 Hz
Calculation shows that frequency of the resonator is mysteriously divisible by exponent 2 to the resonance of the vibrator:
98/12.25=8 (23) или 196/12.25=16 (24)
Thus, frequency of the vibrator might be easily obtained with binary acoustic counter.
Resonator was placed into the chamber at the time of the pyramid construction, it is impossible to move it outside.
Despite it could be moved through the waveguide, there are some places where it would get stuck due to its dimensions.
There should be reserve resonator in the chamber or close to it; otherwise its grinding could end badly.
Hence, behind one of the walls or under the floor of the chamber should be a spare parts warehouse, since they can’t be brought from the outside.
Feeder channels.
Feeder channels are intended for the starting of the oscillator from very low-frequency waves, created by changes of wind pressure on the sides of the pyramid.
At a height of 1 m above the floor, at the level of the upper wall of the waveguide, the chamber is fed by positive and negative feeder waveguides.
These are opened granite channels (shafts) which go under granite facing of the pyramid from south (positive) and north (negative) sides.
Granite facing of the pyramid is the membrane that generates sound energy.
These channels have to be opened, because the oscillator is excited by variable wind potential, frequency of which is much less than 12.25 Hz.
Such low frequency cannot pass through granite.
After starting of the oscillator through these channels goes a sound wave with frequency of 12.25 Hz, which is produced by the vibration of the pyramid.
Figure 39. Feeder channel.
These channels were not for ventilation, they did not go outside the pyramid.
Nowadays, when the whole granite facing of the pyramid is missing, they are used for ventilation.
4.3.11. Matching device (Antechamber).
It is complicated matching device which intended to maximize the output of the wave energy from the resonant amplifier to the frequency mixer.
Maximum power output (max coefficient of efficiency) will be at equal output impedance of the amplifier and impedances of the remaining parts of the transmitter.
Impedances of mixer, waveguide and vibrator are constant; but the output impedance of the resonant amplifier depends on the wind strength.
Therefore, the output impedance of the resonant amplifier must be adjusted all the time depending on the wind strength.
For this adjustment, matching device has a movable shutter.
Figure 40. Matching device (Antechamber).
Figure 41. Shutter is in the groove, view from the mixer tap.
Shutter can significantly change the output impedance of the resonant amplifier.
There semicircular recesses are visible above the shutter, for mounting of triaxial hoist (winch) with which shutter was raised (lowered.)
On the wall we can see guide lines, by which the upper block have been moved, reducing the volume of space.
Figure 42. Guide lines on the wall of the Antechamber.
Control of these mechanisms must somehow depend on the strength of the wind, so there has to be driving gear conformed to the wind strength.
Without this adjustment, the efficiency of the transmitter would depend on the strength of the wind, which is not good.
There also are square pits in the floor for adjusting of the phase characteristics.
4.3.12. Evacuation shaft.
Builders dug this shaft when realized that they made a mistake and resonance frequency is higher than were expected.
Possibly, mistake occurred because of wrong assessment of sound speed in the rock beneath the pyramid.
Evacuation shaft was intended for movement of people during the settings of the oscillator.
Evacuation shaft had been dug downward from the mixing chamber; because to dig it out from the already constructed waveguide (6) was uncomfortable.
Figure 43. Evacuation shaft.
This mistake proves that pyramids were built by human beings.
4.3.13. Granite facing of the pyramid.
Pyramid used to be covered by granite slabs.
Granite flatness of the faces of the pyramid represents a membrane which converts wind energy into infrasound wave energy due to vibration of the pyramid.
There is a cavity beneath triangular granite membrane which has formed by the concavity of the body of the pyramid.
From these cavities feeder channels of the resonant amplifier begin.
Shape of the cavity is very similar to the head of doctor's stethoscope, which also has a similar cavity beneath the center of the membrane.
The main purpose of the cavity and granite membrane is the initial excitation of the oscillator (when the pyramid is not yet vibrating).
Therefore, the energy required to excite the high-Q resonator (sarcophagus), is taken from the powerful granite membrane.
Figure 44. Concavity of the pyramid faces.
As a result it turned out, that granite membrane was the weakest point in the construction of the pyramid; it is almost completely collapsed.
Granite membrane is not a required element of the infrasound oscillator.
In principle, the resonance of pyramidal mountains can be controlled without membrane (facing).
Just to start the pyramidal oscillator we need a strong gust of wind.
In the presence of membranes, the sarcophagus starts even from a weak breeze.
Also, the membrane increases efficiency of the generator, thus reducing the size of the pyramid.
4.3.14. Resonant mastaba. Complexes of generators.
There are hundreds of shafts (mines) cut down in monolithic rock around the pyramid of Khufu.
There are high-Q resonators (sarcophagi) placed in those shafts.
There are large stone trapezes – called mastaba built above those shafts.
One mastaba usually has from 1 to 3 shafts with resonators.
That is, all of rocky plateau around the pyramid of Cheops filled with resonators.
Mastabas significantly increase the power of the wanted signal due to reverberation.
In addition, mastabas work as receivers and belong with the main pyramid and its satellites (small pyramids) to one energy complex.
This complex uses the Nile River, as an isolated communication channel of very high quality.
There is an acoustic waveguide which ends with hydroacoustic antenna, comes down to the river from each such complex.
Figure 45. Typical energy generators complex with hydroacoustic antenna (Pepi II.)
There are more than dozen of such complexes which are located along the whole length of the Nile Valley; most likely they were located in big cities of pyramids era.
Figure 46. Djoser complex of infrasound energy generators.
In the figure above you can see aerial view on the complex of Djoser.
On the photo marked:
1. Pyramidal infrasound oscillator.
2. Powerful receiver (mastaba).
3. Stone infrasound waveguide.
4. Hydroacoustic antenna (was located in the Nile River 12,000 years ago)
5. Grunt from the excavations.
6. Control unit of the complex.
7. Pyramids - satellites (active elements of the complex)
8. Separate receiver.
Most likely, all the complexes were connected via hydroacoustic channel (Nile River) and represented a power grid.
4.3.15. Communication protocols. Models of oscillators.
There are several major models of infrasound oscillators which included in the ancient energy sector.
These are oscillators for: three (Khafre), seven (Khufu), and thirteen (Menkaure) frequencies.
Figure 47. Frequency diagram of three- and seven-frequency infrasound oscillators.
Three frequency oscillators do not have the modulator and the second resonator chamber.
Switching between frequencies could be done by changing of the positive feedback time delay of carrier frequency.
Perhaps the Pyramid of Khafre was just such a power generator.
Seven- or thirteen-frequency oscillators are the pyramids of Khufu and Menkaure.
Seven-frequency oscillators contained two resonant chambers and the frequency mixer.
Seven-frequency oscillators can operate in three-frequency mode, i.e. is completely compatible with it.
Figure 48. Recording of communication protocol in the form of cuneiform writing for three-frequency signal.
For recording of three-frequency signal the three-signs cuneiform suits the best; for example Sumer or Urartu cuneiform.
This cuneiform represented by frames consisting of rows.
Each row typically consists of 10 syllabic signs.
Each syllabic sign consists of a set of wedges arranged in two or three rows.
Syllabic sign defines a set of frequencies, which transmits by the pyramid in the unit of time.
The usage of three-frequency oscillators was in some way separated from seven-frequency oscillators.
Figure 49. Frame of cuneiform recording from the Urartu fortress.
Figure 50. Recording of communication protocol in the form of cuneiform writing for seven-frequency signal.
There are four additional wedges are used in seven-frequency cuneiform writing, which mean additional signal frequencies.
Most of cuneiform texts correspond to seven-frequency record.
Seven-frequency records are usually located in the temples and they look not as prickly as three-frequency.
Presented below is a record of thirteen-frequency code from the Apadana.
Flowers represented around the edges of this record have 12 petals around a central inflorescence.
Perhaps 12 is a number of frequencies around the carrier frequency.
Figure 51. Frame of cuneiform writing for seven- and thirteen-frequency signal.
In case of pyramids, every numeral of informational code is a signal of different frequency. In other words, every numeral is a musical note.
Important observation: 12.25 Hz (carrier frequency) – is musical note sol or numeral 7 of the duodecimal code.
Here is a short explanation why 12.25 Hz is a note sol. Doubling the frequency of the oscillations, we climb up to the octave:
12.25 - 24.5 - 49.0 - 98 - 196 - 392 Hz (note sol of 1 octave).
Frequency in general sense is not important, it is scaled. There is one musical note, but there may be many of sounds (frequencies), they are obtained by multiplying integers.
Therefore, the note SOL is SOL for any frequency.
This assumption is proved by Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, professor of Assyriology at the University of California. It shows a pattern of signal, written in cuneiform for 7 frequency oscillator (figure 50) – you may read about it here: Listen to the Oldest Song in the World: A Sumerian Hymn Written 3,400 Years Ago.
In the early 1950s, archaeologists unearthed several clay tablets from the 14th century B.C.E. Found, WFMU tells us, “in the ancient Syrian city of Ugarit,” these tablets “contained cuneiform signs in the hurrian language,” which turned out to be the oldest known piece of music ever discovered, a 3,400 year-old cult hymn.
You can listen to it below:
# | Naming of notes | Ranges of brain waves of a human |
Frequency of musical notes,
Hz: The heritage of ancient civilizations |
Frequency of musical notes,
Hz: Modern separation |
Great Pyramid of Khufu 7 frequencies |
Great Pyramid of Khufu 13 frequencies |
Estimated value: sub-contra octave/2 |
Sub-contra octave | Contra octave | |||
Do C | Alpha waves: 8-13 Hz Occur during daytime sleep or meditation. |
16.35 | 32.70 | ||||
Do diesis C# | 17.325 | 34.65 | |||||
1 | Re D | 9.2 | 9.2 | 9.18 | 18.36 | 36.71 | |
2 | Re diesis D# | 9.75 | 9.748 | 19.495 | 38.89 | ||
3 | Mi E | 10.3 | 10.3 | 10.30 | 20.60 | 41.20 | |
4 | Mi diesis Е# | 10.6 | 10.60 | 21.2* | 42.425* | ||
5 | Fa F | 10.9 | 10.9 | 10.91 | 21.825 | 43.65 | |
6 | Fa diesis F# | 11.575 | 11.563 | 23.125 | 46.25 | ||
7 | Sol G | 12.25 | 12.25 | 12.25 | 24.50 | 49.00 | |
8 | Sol diesis G# | 13.0 | 12.98 | 25.95 | 51.90 | ||
9 | La A | Beta waves: from 14 to 20 Hz. Correspond to normal waking state. |
13.75 | 13.75 | 13.75 | 27.50 | 55.00 |
10 | La diesis B | 14.575 | 14.57 | 29.13 | 58.26 | ||
11 | Si H | 15.4 | 15.4 | 15.44 | 30.87 | 61.74 | |
12 | Si diesis Н# | 15.875 | 15.875 | 31.75* | 63.5* | ||
13 | Do C | 16.35 | 16.35 | 16.35 | 32.70 |
Note: XX.XX * - musical notes which are not exist in the modern piano keyboard.
Conclusion: So, as you can see, communication protocols and structure of pyramidal oscillators-transmitters proves existence of ancient global digital communication system with usage of duodecimal numeral system (7 = 6 + 1 synchronization pulse or 13 = 12 + 1 synchronization pulse) firstly applied by Sumer (known to us) civilization.
Existence of the synchronization pulse is the main evidence of this conclusion. Specialists know that the transmission of digital information (digital data burst) is not possible without applying a synchronization pulse. Since the duodecimal digital information (musical notes of specific frequency) was transmitted by analog channel, the best solution for the synchronization pulse was the addition of another (one more) frequency.
Great study! I agree with this mentioning that the theory should be extended to Kings Valley tombs ( they have resonant shapes). Also should be considered the telluric natural energy of the Earth and the seismic characteristics of the area. The extended use of granite ( a lot of quartz in it's structure) proove the use of piezo electricity.
ReplyDeleteThere is a saying that says: If it walks like a Duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck - then it must be a duck! This magnificent presentation proves the point perfectly. If you can forgive the depth of mathematics throughout you will see how the explanation of the GP and other pyramids as a SCIROCCO pyramidal vibroacoustic oscillator (a global vibrational communicator and more) trumps all other theories like a royal flush. It also highlights how lesser men in their complete ignorance ploughed into the structure like burrowing insects - destroying its perfection in the process to seek the superficial comfort of gold. The process continued and continues in the modern day, more recently under the ridiculously claimed archeo-scientific direction of Zahi Hawass and others. The uncomfortably obvious has always been ignored in favour of either secret, or media grabbing tunneling expeditions which only caused irreparable damage to the instrument. The truth is usually always hidden in plain sight and only so due to our ignorance and greed. This presentation for the serious researcher does much to redress the balance. We can only hope it receives the prominence that other modern personality-driven theories have attracted.
ReplyDeleteRICHARD GABRIEL, thanks for such a profound comment. I deliberately keep some thoughts of intent of pyramids usage separately from this article… When I become acquainted of such thoughts for the first time, I had no idea how deep is a rabbit-hole… I hope to write about it later…
DeleteThose described above are facts but a couple of questions are mandatory to get an answer! to! Who developed this technology? Why? Who or what was at the other side of the "phone line"? All of this structures are broken, de-tuned apparently as a deliberate action. Why? Who had the goal of disrupting communications? and so on...
ReplyDeleteDear Florin Chiriac, goog questions!
DeleteI will try to give answers for these questions in the next article. As you see, this article ends on p. 4.3.
To be continued…
Yes, thank you! Looking forward to read the rest! I will share it further!
DeleteVladimir KovalSky, it is now 2021... Please make more articles.
DeleteReading the article again and more carefully I have some comments to do. I used to work for a wile in Egypt and Scirocco wind is not present all year long. Same observation can be done about other places on Earth with
ReplyDeletebig resonant granitic artificial structures. But the Nile is there and is a constant source of energy. Also important is that Giza plateau is NOT a monolith, but is full of natural caves too! All the tombs in the Valley of the Kings are resonant chambers. The site is located far inside the valley, so the wind is not so present there but they are close to seismic fault lines. I wonder if all year long atmospheric changes do not play a part in this technology. Almost all of ancient sacred buildings have caves below them and freatic water ( Latin America, Angkor Vat, China and so on). Is it part of the redundant energy source?
1. “Scirocco” is a just name of the project. There is no need for Sirocco wind to be present there all year long. Oscillators need just a wind, even breeze will suite enough. According to calculations, Khufu oscillator will output maximum power at wind speed of 10 m/s.
DeleteEven breeze of 5 m/s (min. for Giza Plateau) is enough for oscillator to work for 2/3 of maximum power.
Here is an interesting research (Wind flow modeling and simulation on Giza Plateau):
2. When I said about monolith I meant that pyramids are built on the single solid rocky basement. It is important for characteristics of oscillator – to be exact for high quality factor. Caves and mine shafts in plateau around pyramids are doesn’t matter for it.
3. Rivers are not considered in this article as an energy sources. Rivers considered as “wires”, i.e. the best conductors of infrasound signal. All of rivers on planet are connected via oceans into one “planetary network”. These are natural communication lines that unite Giza, Latin America, Angkor Vat, China and so on in one network…
Of course, rivers itself might be energy sources, but it is not matter of this article.
4. Many “sacred sites” are located close to seismic fault lines – it is nonrandom. It’s because such complexes as a Giza are not only transmitters, but also receivers.
Seismic fault lines are natural concentrators of infrasound energy. There is a sense to build such complexes on them. It will be described in the next article.
Thank you!
DeleteHello, My name is Leo, im a filmmaker, Im producing a show with my own resources about infrasound and I found your article on my researches, i found my self devouring every line of your work, my question is,do you have time to answer some questions and doubts that I have about infrasound? if yes can you send me an email?
Dear friends, you can read some additional information in this article as well as continuation of this article here:
ReplyDeleteHello, I really like the info you provide in figure 31. I am sure you know the conduit in the niche in the queens chamber shrinks in steps vertically as well as horizontally. Do you have those measurements by any chance?
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance,
I’ve just sent you a message. Check out your mailbox, please.
DeleteHi,...please look on (if till now not) on my works since 2002,..about electro-acoustic properties of pyramids, Gisa plateau megalithic temples, temples on Malta,... new advanced version older Pavel Smutny
ReplyDeleteThis is very interesting and I would like to go over this more when I have time. I did notice something however. You claim that the casing stones of the Great Pyramid were granite, yet others say it was polished white limestone. Perhaps you made a minor error here?