What for the pyramids were built? How the pyramids work?

Here is an explanation of the purpose of building of the Egyptian and other pyramids.

This is a short explanation of SCIROCCO theory. 
Full version of the article you can read here: The SCIROCCO Infrasound Vibroacoustic Broadcasting Interface.

What for the pyramids were built? How the pyramids work? Answers.

In short, pyramids (like the Great pyramid of Giza etc.) are very powerful oscillators and transmitters of infrasound energy. 
I would say more, communication protocols and structure of pyramidal oscillators-transmitters proves existence of ancient global digital communication system with usage of duodecimal numeral system (13 = 12 + 1 carrier frequency) firstly applied by Sumer civilization.

So, pyramids might be used for:
1. Broadcasting of information;
2. Transmitting of energy. 

We will investigate it from scientific point of view only: by the use of Wave Theory and the Theoretical Foundations of Radio Engineering.

Explanation of true purpose of the Egyptian and other pyramids building
Physical diagram of the SCIROCCO pyramidal vibroacoustic oscillator. 

On the Diagram numerals indicate:

1. Resonator (tuning fork).
2 . Chamber of an active resonant amplifier.
3 . Focusing corner reflector.
4 . Feeder channel of the positive potential of energy.
5 . Feeder channel of the negative potential of energy.
6. Granite plates (membrane) of the positive potential of wind energy.
7. Granite plates (membrane) of the negative potential of wind energy.
8. Signal tap (waveguide) from the amplifier output to the positive feedback loop.
9. Positive feedback switch.
10 . Positive feedback channel (waveguide).
11. Wave channel (waveguide).
12. Resonant vibrator.
13. Matching devices.

All elements of the oscillator, which work with acoustic energy, made of hard stone; granite or basalt is the best.
Granite has good hardness and good sound conductivity with sound speed up to 4000 m/s.
All the flatnesses on which the acoustic wave moves should be smooth and polished.
Use of a softer stones is possible too, but the loss on heating surfaces of membranes and waveguides would be larger.

Explanations to the elements of the oscillator:

The resonator (tuning-fork) (1).
Resonator is analog of modern quartz crystal resonator, i.e. electric oscillators today are also excited by stones.
Therefore it is not surprising that it’s used in the SCIROCCO oscillator.
The resonator can be of any shape, hollow, open, closed, etc.
It should be made of solid (ringing) material and have a pronounced resonance with high quality factor.
To ensure the high quality factor of the resonator it should be raised off the floor and put on a very solid supports (for example, silicon).

Chamber of an active resonant amplifier (resonant chamber) (2).
Its frequency must be a multiple of the frequency of the resonator.
The floor of the resonant chamber must be paved by not clamped granite slabs with a gap and hard pads.
This reinforces the vibration of the resonator chamber due to the secondary reemission.
Corner reflector focuses the acoustic signal on the floor of the chamber in the area of the resonator.
This reduces the amplifier output impedance, and facilitates more effective output of energy to the waveguide.
Chamber may be provided with re-vibrating beams (directors), which amplify the signal coming from the corner reflector.
The chamber has to be provided with the feed and positive feedback channels.
Adjustment of chamber’s frequency is realized by the varying of volume of adjusting well.
Adjusting well should be filled by quartz sand of high quality.
The best place for the amplifier resonant chamber is the geometric center or center of the base of the pyramid.

Feeder channels (power supply waveguides) (4, 5).
Feeder channels provide power supply of positive and negative energy potentials and represent open granite waveguides.
They transmit the sound wave energy created by granite membranes (6, 7) to the resonant chamber (2).
These channels begin under the granite facing of the pyramid and resemble doctoral stethoscope.
The channels should be opened, since when oscillator is starting, primary energy may cause a permanent or very low-frequency potential which is determined by the slow variation of the wind load.
When the oscillator is running the pyramid vibrates on frequency of 9-16 Hz; wave energy of this frequency radiates from membranes and goes very well through the air and even better through the granite.
If these channels were closed by granite plugs the oscillator would not start; at the same time currently running oscillator would work with corked feeder channels. It is because granite is transparent for infrasound and opaque for sound waves. 

Waveguides (wave channels) (8, 10, and 11).
Waveguides are used to transmit wave energy of the oscillator. 
Waveguides not participate in the starting of the oscillator (Phase 1), so that they may be corked by granite plugs. 
Using of granite lens (plugs) in waveguide allows you to adjust the time of passage of the wave through the waveguide.

Positive feedback channels (8, 10).
These are very important waveguides. The signal, coming from the amplifier output, must pass through these channels for the time period divisible to wave period.
Originally channels were made with big signal delay.
After final assembly of the oscillator you need to perform final adjustment of the signal delay.
For this purpose the granite lens (plugs) of predetermined thickness are inserted into the channels.
Since the sound speed in the granite lens is 15 times greater than in the air, the delay of the signal in the channel is reduced.
Reliable starting of the oscillator at the resonant frequencies achieves by the proper selection of lenses.

Waveguide (11).
The waveguides are designed to transmit the sound wave energy.
They are characterized by the wave impedance, i.e. potential transfer rate by unit element of propagation medium.
Wave impedance of the waveguide must be matched with the output impedance of the oscillator and the input impedance of the vibrator.
This matching is the main essence of the engineering design of the transmitter.
Matching quality of these elements is estimated by standing wave ratio (SWR).
SWR characterizes ratio of transmitted and reflected energy in the waveguide.
The well matched waveguide transmits all the energy produced by the oscillator to the vibrator which then is distributed in a physical medium.
In case of poor matching most of the energy is reflected back to the oscillator.
The science called Theoretical Foundations of Radio Engineering is responsible for calculating of impedances and their matching.
Besides the reflections in waveguides there are irretrievable losses on heating of the waveguides.
In any waveguide there is a loss of energy during its transmission due to friction, bending and breaking of symmetry of the waveguides.
Therefore, the surface smoothness and symmetry of waveguides are most important.

Matching devices (13). 
These are special volumetric and reflecting elements, which are designed to match the output impedance of the amplifier, waveguide impedance and input impedance of the vibrator. 
The transmitter is practically useless without these elements, because of the large signal reflection.

Vibrator (12). 
This is a device for transmitting of acoustic energy from the air medium of the waveguide to the stone medium of the monolith under the pyramid. 
Vibrator is a rectangular chamber, hewn in the monolith. 
The length of the long side of the vibrator must be equal to the length of the transmitted wave in the air. 
Other dimensions do not play a big role.

Description of the SCIROCCO oscillator operation. 

Phase 1. Excitation of the oscillator by the variable wind load.

Initial starting of the oscillator is happening at a very low frequency (0.001-1 Hz), which is created by a change in wind strength over time.
Sound wave of such frequency can propagate only in open air channels because stone for it is not transparent.
Wind, naturally changing its strength, creates on granite membranes (6, 7) sound waves of very low frequency.
Sound wave created by the changing wind goes through the open channels (4, 5) into the chamber of an active resonant amplifier (2).

This is enough energy to excite the tuning fork (resonator) at its resonance frequency.
If the positive feedback switch (9) is turned on, than positive feedback (8) is linked through the wave channel (10) to the resonant chamber (2).
This causes the generation of a frequency multiple to the frequency of the tuning fork (resonator), on which the chamber amplifier (2) is tuned up. 
The resonance amplifier comprising: the resonant chamber (2), the corner reflector (3), and feeder channels (4, 5).
The amplified signal from the output of the chamber amplifier comes on a matching device (13).
Matching device matches impedances of chamber (2) and the waveguide (11) to avoid signal reflections.

Sound signal goes by the waveguide (11) to the vibrator (12), which distributes the wave energy field in the stone monolith.
Part of the output signal is taken by the positive feedback through the waveguide (8) and goes through the channel (10) back into the resonant chamber (2).
Oscillator starts to be excited, increasing the power consumption with each cycle.

Phase 2. Acceleration of the oscillator at the operating frequency.

Operating frequency of the oscillator is tens of hertz (9-16 Hz); the stone easily conducts such sound frequency, it is transparent to such frequency.
Vibrator (12), which is tuned on the operating frequency, creates in the stone monolith a wave sound field of operating frequency which transmits to the pyramid base.
The base of the pyramid has the length equal to the operating wavelength of sound in the stone monolith.
Pyramid begins to resonate, gradually increasing the amplitude of vibration at the operating frequency.
Since granite membranes (6, 7) start to move with the operating frequency regarding to the wind flow, they create infrasound wave of operating frequency (9-16 Hz).
It also can be called a carrier frequency. Below we will see that the carrier frequency for pyramidal infrasound oscillator is typically equal to 12.25 Hz.

Now variable wind is not important. It may be any including constant.
The main value of the frequency of the sound wave produced by the membranes will be determined by the operating frequency of the oscillator. 
The oscillation amplitude of the pyramid will increase until it reaches the maximum power consumption.

Phase 3. Operation at full power.

Since the stone is transparent for the operating infrasound wave (9-16 Hz), the stone body of pyramid actively begins to collect acoustic waves from the entire surface of membranes. 
In fact the whole pyramid becomes an audible broadband signal amplifier with a frequency defined by the resonant chamber. 
The resonator of high quality factor supports this frequency with high accuracy. 
Horn shape of the pyramid focuses the collected sound energy on a stone monolith under the base of the pyramid. 
This in turn shakes pyramid more and more.

Now wind energy is directly consumed by the moving pyramid. 
The body of the pyramid becomes a broadband signal amplifier, which converts constant flow of energy (from which it is fed) into a variable energy. 
In this mode, the internal structure of the oscillator begins to perform only controlling and setting function. 
The main power of wave signal begins to spread over the surface of the planet at a speed of 1500 to 5500 m/s.

Important comments for non-specialists in the wave theory:

a) There is no air flow, wind, “chimney draught” and aerodynamics inside the pyramid.
There is only wave (sound) transference of energy occurs inside the pyramid.
For example, when doctor listening to your heart he puts membrane of stethoscope to your chest.
Membrane shakes synchronously with the heart beats, creating a sound wave, which by the wave channels (tubes) enters the ears of the doctor.
In this case, there is no air flow in tubes, and there are only fluctuations of the air molecules (wave) that transmits power of the heart.
The larger the diaphragm, the greater the amplitude of the sound wave (sound is louder).

b) In order to do useful work (power consumption) the pyramid must move.
This does not mean that it should crawl across the Sahara Desert, it is enough that it will shake (vibrate) on the spot with very small amplitude.
As mentioned above, a force is said to do work when it acts on a body, and there is a displacement of the point of application in the direction of the force.
A = F * S (A- work, F- force, S- path.)
If the body does not move, then S = 0 hence A = F * 0 = 0 and there is no useful work and no power consumed, so power is the work done per unit of time.
If the body is moving at the speed of flow, F = 0 because there is nothing to push the body (it flies in the flow without friction), and hence A = 0 * S = 0. Again, there is no power consumption.
Hence it becomes clear that the power is consumed only when the body moves at a slower speed than the speed of flow.
It is not difficult to calculate that the maximum power will be consumed at a rate of movement of the body in the one third of flow rate.
For all other rates there will be less power. In this way we determined the maximum power of the Pyramid of Khufu (see above).
For example, a wind blows on windmill when windmill sails are blocked. So, Work = 0; Power = 0 (millstones are not rotating).
If we lose the sails but the millstones driving gear is disconnected, sails will start rotating up to the speed flow. Work = 0; Power = 0 (millstones are not rotating).
When millstones driving gear is connected, sails rotate slower, but millstones start rotating. Thus we will have Work and Power.
Now we have to choose such a millstones (load) with which the sails will rotate with 1/3 of maximum speed.
After that, work of the windmill will be most effective.
But for all that windmill itself will not move.

We may describe process of starting of SCIROCCO oscillator on familiar to us example of internal combustion engine:
More simply this process can be represented as the starting engine operation of a car.
The internal structure of the pyramid is the starter and ignition system of a car engine. The pyramid is an engine itself.
To make the engine work independently, we must spin it up by the starter.
As soon as the engine starts, it will process the compressed air flow, created by the combustion of gas mixture of fuel and air, in a variable rotational energy.
At that the ignition system will only control the engine speed.
The engine itself is broadband (operating at different frequencies) amplifier with positive feedback (generator, ignition system, etc.)
Ignition system spends on its work very little energy.
The engine produces enough energy to consume it by itself (and keep operate) and move a car.
So, the internal combustion engine is a very good example of oscillator operating on compressed air flow.
Except for the pyramid doesn’t need any fuel. It already has energy in the form of constantly blowing Sirocco wind. 

Full version of the article you can read here: The SCIROCCO Infrasound Vibroacoustic Broadcasting Interface.


  1. Its a generator in microwaves? is my guess.

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